Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:

BAU headquarters. Quantico, Virginia.

Three months later

The team had returned home to Quantico and life had resumed to an extent. After about a month, Spencer had started to get a tingling feeling in his feet. He had been messing about with Henry during another "office" day, though all of his days since returning to work the week prior had been office days for him seeing as he could not be in the field in his chair. He had become Penelope's number two, her Beta, she was working him hard whilst the others were out at crime scenes. Henry had been sitting on his knee as he wheeled them up and down the ramps whilst the others finished paperwork. He'd started getting the feeling like he'd been lying on a nerve. Pins and needles; it had been a good sign the doctor had said. And he'd been right. 2 months on and taking part in rigorous physical therapy, Reid was slowly starting to get back on his feet.

One day after a physio appointment, his phone beeped indicating a text; he had assumed it would be Morgan asking after his attractive therapist. But no it was from someone he hadn't heard from in a long, long time.

Hey stranger, long time no speak. I really hope this is still your number or this might be a bit awkward.

So you might have heard, but I'm in town filming. Can you believe they picked me to play POTUS? You might have to help me study up, so my knowledge is more suitable for the leader of the free world.

Listen I know you've been going through some serious stuff and obviously still are but would you like to grab a cup of coffee sometime? I could even throw in some hydrotherapy, my apartment here has a pool, you know how much fun we had last time ;p

Anyhow, give me a call Spencer Reid,

I miss you.



The END.

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