Chapter One: The Meet

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Beside You: At the side of; next to; to be at ones side until the end.

"Come on let's go let's go!" the stage right manager called, "We're coming! Princess here needed to paint her face on." "Yeah only to just sweat it back off three songs in." I roll my eyes "Shut up you two and get your asses on stage before the damn girls start beating up the guards and make their way back here."

We heard in the microphone of one of the PAs "Bring them out, I repeat 5S is a go." We all look at each other, I take a deep breath and say "Let's do this boys." Then we walk out of stage in front of thousands of screaming fans...

So here's my rundown, I am Rachel Manners, I'm 21, Blonde with blue eyes I'm around 5'7 and as I've been told all sass. I am a singer, guitarist and bassist for a band of boys called 5 Seconds of Summer... I know I know what you are probably thinking [boy band] but they are not actually that bad... I know I was surprised too but really they are pretty cool guys who are almost like my brothers, Luke is the baby of the group he just turned 19 along with Calum who is also 19 then we have Micheal that just turned 20 then lastly Ashton who's 21 same age as me. We've been touring and singing together for almost two years now after the band decided to throw a girl into the mix just to see how it would work out and just so happens it worked really well and they just decided to keep me around. Now we tour around the world and do small things in each state and city we go to.

The concert tonight just ended, we do our thing then walk off the stage as the fan scream. PA's ran to us handing us towels and water bottles for us to drink or do like Calum and pour on our head... all the boys and I high five as Calum says "Awesome job guys! We rocked it!" Ashton laughs "You're damn right we did!" I laugh at the boys then take my cold water bottle pouring some on Calum and some on Luke, they both jump back "What was that for?" Luke screams, "For you two making fun of me on our way out!" Luke and Calum both laugh and Calum says "Aw well we are really, really sorry Rach... here how about a hug?" he holds his arms out and I scream no as him and Luke try to catch me to give me a very wet and sweaty hug, Luke with his long legs finally catch up with me grabbing me then him and Calum both hug me just to make me mad. "And you didn't sweat all your make up off three songs in" Calum laughs, Micheal remarks "No more like four."

I laugh pushing away from them as I say "Come on you four we have to go see some fans before we can go back to the bus and I can get my shower." All the boys agree and we make our way to the front were around a hundred fans waited with VIP passes to meet us start to scream as we walk in, sticking together we took pictures, talked with a few of them and signed autographs for everyone. My life was so great right now, everything was looking up I was doing what I loved around great people and fans, there was always a smile on my face no matter where I was... how could things get any better than this?


"And cut! Okay boys you are free for the rest of the weekend." I sigh running my hand down my face taking a deep breath "About damn time, I thought we were going to do it a few hundred more." Eric smiles "Hey if you want to do a few retakes we can." I roll my eyes "Whatever."

Jared walks over beside me "So now where to?" I throw him a glance "Well I guess since we got a fan convention whatever we are taking a plane ride there." Jared nods "Never really get a break do we?" I laugh patting him on the shoulder as I walk by "Nope, never."

I make it back to our trailer and start throwing my clothes into the carryon bag, we just wrapped the beginning scenes of the final for season four of supernatural so of course it was a pretty long day at work, now we have to go to go the a convention that starts tomorrow and entertain the crowd of fan. I love the fans with all my heart but I really don't feel like going, sadly though since I missed the last convention [more like didn't feel like going] I am having to go to this one, after me and... damn it I don't even want to think her name... but after we broke up I haven't felt like doing anything what so ever, all I want to do is work and work but I guess it will be good for me to get off set and see a few fans... I guess...

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