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"Teddy bear, you are my teddy bear. you were comforting and quiet, how did love become so violent?"

Luke wasn't always like this. Stumbling home at 3 am every night with swollen lips, love bites scattered across his body.

He wasn't always a monster.

He used to be happy.

I used to make him happy.

Now, all I seem to do is enrage him.

I never fully understood what happened to make him like this. Maybe it was the phone call that informed him that his family had been in a devastating wreckage. Or, maybe it was the next one that informed him none of his family survived.

"Now I'm finding knives under the sheets, Crumbled photographs of me. I'm in despair, Should I be scared?"

Either way, he was never the same after those two days. Kisses turned to hits, sweet nothings turned into vile phrases, cuddling turned to beatings and making love turned into forced sex.

I did everything in my power to make sure no one ever found out. Luke would never hit me in my face, fearing that bruising would lead to someone knowing.

We don't see Calum and Ashton much anymore.

Maybe they were scared. Maybe they didn't care. Maybe they didn't know at all.

And now, at 2:55 am, clutching the cold sheets to my body, I would have never expected my life to turn out like this.

But life is full of surprises.

2:56 am

4 minutes.

No matter how many times I went through this, I was still terrified.

2:57 am

I couldn't stand being in this cold bed anymore.

2:58 am

I ran to the crawlspace, which was hidden behind the bookshelf.

2:59 am

Any minute now.

3:00 am

I held my breath as the I heard the front door slam open.

"MICHAEL!" I heard Luke drunkenly scream. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to move as I felt luke's heavy boots hit the stairs. Tears started to prick at my eyes as our bedroom door swung open, hitting the wall with a 'bang.'

"Where are you, you little slut." Luke snapped, pulling the closet open. I couldn't help it as silent tears made their way down my face. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut, Luke's voice chilling me to the spine.

"Come out, kitty. I know you're here. I won't hurt you."

What a fucking lie.

I laughed bitterly in my head, shaking my head at the boy I still, unfortunately, loved.

It was quiet for a few moments but then I heard him speak.


He whimpered, his voice sounding so utterly broken. My heart broke at the sound. I wanted to come out and comfort him but I knew I couldn't. He'll kill me. He hates when I hide from him.

teddy bear - michaelandlukeWhere stories live. Discover now