I. To Turn Back Time

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To Turn Back Time

"Professor...I really don't understand."

But I did understand. I just didn't really want to believe it. How could I? It was an utterly mad proposition.

"My dear Miss Gallagher, this is the third time I am about to explain this to you," Dumbledore said, although his tone was far from light. His words hung heavy, "I have retrieved a time turner from the Ministry and you are to use it to go back in time to see if you can prevent Lord Voldemort becoming who he is today. If you can, and you shall, then you will stop evil altogether." 

"Right." I said, as if I was simply following instructions on how to feed flobberworms. My tongue feel like a block of wood.

"In fact, it seems quite simple, really." Dumbledore added. 

"Simple!" I exclaimed. With everything being the way it was,I couldn't help but feel he was rubbing salt into a graze on my knee, "I beg to differ, Professor, this will certainly not be simple. I don't know anything!"

Professor Flitwick, my head of house, paced about behind Dumbledore. He wore a worried expression, and his shoes made a light tapping noise as he walked up and down. From his perch, Fawkes peered down at us. His red and golden plumage shimmered gently in the candlelight, and his beak glittered as he twisted his head thoughtfully. Can a phoenix be thoughtful?

"But what I don't understand is why Miss Gallagher? She wasn't even there when He Who Must Not Be Named supposedly came back during the Tournament! This is far too dangerous." Professor Flitwick slapped his legs as if to emphasise how ridiculous this was. I felt I was stuck in some strange dream; this couldn't possibly be happening.

"She is an intelligent girl, Professor," Dumbledore turned to face me, a knowing smile etched in his features, "I truly believe she can do this."

"But she can't just insert herself into life fifty years ago!" Professor Flitwick squeaked. I looked between the two wizards. 

Dumbledore stood up from his chair, "Professor Dippet, the headmaster of course, is expecting you, Miss Gallagher. You have travelled up from London after being home-schooled by your parents, who have unfortunately divorced. Your father is still a wizard, your mother is still a muggle."

"But Professor Dumbledore—"

"I am sure Professor Dippet will sort you in private in his office." Dumbledore said, moving over to his desk of silver instruments and picking up something small and gold from among them which glinted in the light like Fawkes's beak, "You shouldn't look so worried...but I must warn you. Do not tell anyone about the task, not even Professor Dippet. That is of utmost importance."

My heart was beating in my throat. 

"My past self...may understand." Dumbledore added. 

I looked at Dumbledore, not sure what to think. I didn't quite know what to feel, as a matter of fact. I wasn't built for risky tasks, or dangerous missions, or tampering with time to change the world. I was meant to study and lounge about and excel in my exams and...and apparently meet Lord Voldemort before he even took that name.

Tom Riddle. The name echoed in my head.

"Professor, what if I fail this task?" I asked him. I barely even knew what I had to do, or how I was meant to do it. Dumbledore had mentioned companionship but not much else, as if he truly thought I knew everything already. It was unnerving. 

The headmaster beckoned for me to stand, pressing the small golden thing in my hand. The time-turner. 

"Accio luggage." Dumbledore said loudly. Two silence seconds passed before my Hogwarts trunk and my schoolbag came zipping through the window at high speed, already packed. I had been curious when Professor Flitwick had asked me not to unpack my luggage upon arriving at Hogwarts. My bags had landed with a thump in front of my feet, and I looked up at Dumbledore.

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