Chapter 1- In search of food and water

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Here it starts:

"What are you looking for?" He turned around to look her depressed face.

"Obviously you know what and what not." She sighed with her spectacles.

"It's been for a month," he went on "and nothing is fine. Only some of the sea water, that is irritating me."

"I hope to see anyone out there. Otherwise, i'll eat all the grass." She settled on the land, where she was living from 28 days.

"I have some tips from Man vs. Wild. Let's try some?" He requested.

"Yeah, sure." Tears falled out from her eyes. And by standing up at once, they both made their way outside the house and inside to the woods.

"I better go search for some big leaves. We'll make a bed." He told her.

"Hadwy! We have to make three beds. One for you, second for me and Daisy, the last for the two my favorite kids Zack and John."

"And what about Georgina?" Hadwin said, taking the pile of leaves.

"Oh god," she continued, "She has much practise how to sleep on a land."

"But where is she and the kids?" Hadwin asked Daffodil who was wearing white shirt all messed up.

"They would somewhere, in the search of food and water."

"I think i'm thirsty. How about i go and fetch some water from the well for you too?" Daffodil had already passed through much problems since she had came on this dangerous journey. She knew her parents would miss her, and so they would've told police to enquire things.

"Ah sure." Hadwin gasped for fresh air.

Turning back, Daffodil started to walk towards the well with the bucket in her hand. The well was 31km away from the shade they took. Walking 31km on feet isn't very easy task, even your foot would either get swallowed or ache. "You have to live life" was the greatest opinion and she had to follow it.

As she stepped on the other step, she felt the loniliness of the place. Long ago, she came to beaches and forests with her family and enjoyed alot. People say death and life are both opposites but life is for few days, death is forever. She lived life and is living but how much? She has to die and then live hereafter life which is forever, no doubt.

Her eyes caught the well and she dashed towards it. She quickly carried the water from the well and desired to go to the shade right now, flying. But this wasn't possible. Oh was it? No daffodil.

She started to move. Again 31km. As she was half on the way, she saw someone. Someone who had exactly two hands, two eyes, one nose and was a two-legged creature. She was shocked. She felt that it was absurd! It was ridiculous! She started to yell, "HUMAAAAAAAN!" And without thinking at once, she ran by leaving the bucket which spluttered and splashed down on the land.


"Where's Daffodil?" Georgina took hold of three kids with her.

"We had fun." Zack muttered.

"She's out for some water." Hadwin said, showing the beds he made.

"That's amazing. May i rest for some?" Daisy marked.

"Oh sure, but you've to wait for just two minutes." Hadwin added.

"Oh chubby Zack, it's too late. You may go and sleep." Georgina said, by hugging her.

"Sure sure. But I and John need to sleep on one bed." Zack pointed out.

"Yeah. It's for both of you." Hadwin told them.

"But, Hadwy what about Daisy and Daffodil?" Georgina sat down.

"They both have one bed. Zack and John have one bed. I have one bed." Oh Georgina, i'm sorry.

"What about me?" Georgina asked.

"Daffodil told me that Georgina loves to sleeps on land." Hadwin told the truth.

"Alright, i may think about it."

"You have to think and nothing is going to be okay either." Hadwin answered.

"I have to think for that too. But there's always a position. Oh my, the dog was so ferocious. It scares me now, i can't sleep on the land whatsoever."

"There are not enough leaves. And nor leaves would handle you fatty." John laughed from behind.

"That's so comfortable." John jumped out.

"Ah, i know." Hadwy replied.

"And Hadwy, i need my bed. I can't sleep on land. Zack! Tell Hadwy about the stupid dog!"

"Yeah yeah, hadwy. I died by his barking." Zack said, relaxing.

"Wait. Dog? What the heck is doing dog in the woods!?" Hadwin freaked out.

"Oh my Hadwy, don't worry. It was a dog of the woods. There was a board on his skin." Georgina laughed.

"Yeah yeah okay." Hadwin ignored.

"Well, what about my bed? I need it!" She yelled.

"Okay. You can sleep in my bed. I'll manage."

"And therefore, Daffodil must've been here. It's too late, no?"

"No. Not really. It takes four hours."

"What time did she go?" Georgina said in tense.

"7pm. It's 10:30 yet." Hadwin lied. Hadwin had phone, but there were no signals so that he could call his parents. She went at 5:30 and it was 10:30 right now.


"And besides, she is coming with a bucket full of water so it requires much time."

"Well, she ain't that type Hadwy. She dares for what she does, but she isn't very competitive type."

"What does it mean?"

"It means that whatever she does, her mind says it. But whatever she should do, calls her heart."

"Does it matters?" Hadwin asked.

"The most possible factor and it matters the most. She is a world of her own thoughts. Life doesn't matters on what things you do, it matters on what you think."

"She is lost. Is that what are you saying?" Hadwin added.

"Probably. I think she is. If she went to the well, then she would've returned till now. Whatever counts up for three, four or even five hours."

"Why do have a feeling like that?"

"My heart. My mind stops to say these words, but my heart means it. And when i'm speaking by the heart, it actually tells my mind it is wrong."

"Uh, okay. But are you sure?"

"Not really. But i have a feeling."

"Feeling is not what your heart repeatedly says, feeling is what your mind and heart both mix and produce one sound." She nodded.

"Daisy go and sleep and leave a little space for daffodil. I go to my bed. Okay?" Georgina told to Daisy.

"Okay." Daisy answered with her lovely voice.

"And, there. I go sleep. You wait fot Daffodil." Georgina said.

"....yeah..." Hadwin said with a confused face.

'She is too late, something is wrong.' Hadwin had the feeling too.


I was bored, so i decided to write a novel. A novel of almost 15 chapters. How are you my wonderful readers?

Anyways, like my page on facebook named 'Reyan Shaikh.' Check the updates and quotes there. And i'm deciding to make a website too. And yes, don't forget to vote and comment! I'll be very much thankful of you. :)) If you want to talk to me, i'm there on kik. Whatsapp only for the selected ones who'll message me on kik. :')

Facebook: Reyan Shaikh
Kik: reyan.shaikh123

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