The shuffling of footsteps and noise got my attention. About 15-20 kids entered with two people. I mentally facepalmed myself. I had completely forgotten that a school had arranged for story telling day at our bookstore. There was a small space for a few to read. Delilah had already gotten the guys Derek and Steve to shift tables away to accomodate more people there. There were a few bean bags and chairs present. I only had to spread a mat for the kids to sit.

The teachers greeted me. I apologized for the inconvenience and did the remainder of work quickly. There were also a few parents who joined the kids sitting cross legged on the mat. The chair was placed at the front against a wall where a teacher would narrate the story. Other teacher and parents took over the bean bags and remaining chairs. It was nice. Some may call it cramped but I would say cozy. Quaint.

I stayed for a few minutes until they started.

"You had forgotten, didn't you?" Derek smirked at me. I noticed him only when he rushed to help me. I didn't even realise when he got in.

I looked at him sheepishly. "Yeah. It completely slipped my mind."

He chuckled. I looked at him. He had done his hair differently, usually what was a unruly mess was kinda spiked but not too much. His already 6'3 built looking even taller and his hazel eyes shining on the dark complexion. He looked amazing in his similar yellow polo shirt and black jeans. He raised an eyebrow at me. Dang. Way to be subtle.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He smirked.

I smirked back. "Who's to say I don't have them already?"

He laughed. "Smartass."

I stuck out my tongue at him. "Jackass"

We got to work after that. I sat behind the counter and Derek started with...uhm something? It was unnaturally dull. The constant chatter of kids drove me crazy. My already pounding head was even worse now. It was almost lunch time when Derek's boyfriend Steve dropped by requesting me if he could take him for an early lunch.

I pasted a smile on my face and waved back as they waved at me leaving hurriedly. My stomach growled as I thought of food. I hadn't eaten anything since I woke up and it was already afternoon. The storytelling thing wasn't yet done so I had to wait until I could put on the closed sign and get something to eat. I tried calling Dan again but he was unreachable. I had no idea where the hell was this guy when I needed him. I pressed the lock button on my phone a little harder than necessary.

I decided to sit on a stool and occupy myself with Hunger Games. Huh. Smooth. I wonder how people deal with starvation.

I was almost at the end when the bell chimed signalling it was a customer. I shut the book and got up only to feel a liquid seep into my shirt. Fucking great.

I looked at the person ready to give them a piece of my mind. It was Ariel. My god forsaken best friend.

"Oh my god, Sam, I'm so effing sorry!" She yelped. "You just stood so suddenly. I was trying to surprise you with this." She looked at the cup in her hand which was almost empty.

I bit my lip to stop from yelling in anger or crying. Today was just perfect.

"It's fine. I'll be right back." I finally managed to say and rushed to the bathroom. I took some toilet paper and wiped my tshirt which was majorly affected. I put some water and then cleaned up. Even my bra was soaked with coffee. It got so uncomfortable that I decided to get rid of it for the day. I looked if there was an extra tshirt but no. I removed my bra and put it in my bag. I tried to get off as much coffee as I could from the shirt. I rinsed my hands and my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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