Chapter 7

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Evanna showed us our rooms in her surprisingly large cave. I was in with Fuschia and Axe and Ghinta had their own rooms. In a way, I was kind of glad that I was with her and I felt a connection when we both opened our diaries. It was nice to know that we both liked to keep log of our crazy days. I asked Fuschia some questions about her and vampaneze culture and tradition. Like us, they only used hand made items but considered it rude to enter the threshold of a house without invitation. They were all very skilled at hiding bodies and being respectful to those they fed from. This comforted me - they weren't complete monsters. Ghinta and her were a lot like Vancha - they lived off the land and made everything they used apart from food. They were addicted to Chipotle! Their ranking system was not dissimilar to ours. They had a group of highly respected individuals called Dukes who decided the major actions of the vampaneze and thousands of Generals to carry out what the Dukes decided.

I told her about vampirism - the rules to become a General and what Princes were. How living and losing a fight was considered punishable by death and how traitors were treated. It was nice to get to know my sister. As we closed our diaries and the conversation drifted to a close , we fell asleep.

Axe woke me up. He shook me and I climbed out of bed with his aid. I felt no need to tell Evanna where we were going - I had a feeling she already knew what I wanted her to know. We stepped out into the misty woodland and ran. We ran for half an hour - and if you are wondering what running is to a vampire, it is running as fast as you can without flitting. We stopped for a rest, drank from the stream and ate a few juniper berries. They were delicious, ripe and sweet. Then we trained in hand to hand and I beat Axe, obviously, but as usual, he put up a brilliant fight. His tactics were the best you could ever see. As we flitted back, we heard Fuschia gasp. We flitted faster than we ever had.

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