"Lo se. Mi esposo-"

"¿Esposo?" Trina asked with a brow up.

"I told you I was married, Trina."

"To whom?" Trina questioned. "You just call him your husband as if he didn't abduct you."

"That's what he is. I married him with knowledge of what I was doing. I'm not an abductee anymore. I can come home today if I want."

"What's stopping you?"

"I don't want, Katrina. He got his fair share of mental retardation, but I can't imagine leaving him."

"Are you halfway out of your fucking mind, Abrielle?" Trina hissed.

"Trina, yelling or cursing will not change my mind. You and Lari can come and see me."

"Bri, my brother has been in a depression ever since I relayed him that message. You mean to tell me that you would rather be with a kidnapper... A criminal... Over Daryl? He waited for you for four years."

"He fucked other girls casually for four years, Trina. That's not waiting. Waiting is what I had been doing when I didn't date anyone-"

"He didn't date anyone else, though, Bri-"

"But I also wasn't fucking anyone else. I admit, I was kidnapped. For a reason that was business and not personal. And now things are personal. Trina, if you want to come see me, you have to understand that what happened was not intended."

Trina shook her head in disbelief. "Alright, Abrielle. I have to go. I've gotta study for exams. Maybe I'll be out there for Christmas."


Trina closed her computer, ending the call. Abrielle fed Sapphire another piece of bacon.

When the phone rang, she knew it was Shawn. "What?"

"What do you mean what? We can't talk?"


"Evan is going to take you to see your dad today."

"Great. Bye!"

"Abrielle, wait-"

She hung up and didn't answer when he called back. She didn't care enough to talk to him.

Evan did take her to see Rafael, and they went to see Shayla. She was like a completely different person when she saw her son. Her whole face lit up, and she got up and embraced him so tightly, one would believe she hadn't seen him in years!

"Hi, Ma," he greeted, hugging her back. "Are you ready to come home?"

Shayla didn't say a word as she stroked her son's face and hair. She was silent.

Evan sighed and sat down. Shayla smiled at Abrielle and hugged her before going back into her seat.

"Hey, Ma. I got all A's this report card. And Moorehouse offered me a scholarship."

Shayla just smiled and nodded her head. Evan ran his hands over his face. Having these eternal one-sided conversations... Sometimes, his mother could be so full of life, but then be so reserved and gray the next day. And when she actually talked, it was in whispers. He wanted his mom to be her again and come back home.

When the two left, Abrielle was hungry, so Evan stopped by Panera Bread, and she ordered soup. They stayed awhile, and Abrielle rubbed Evan's hand. He pulled it back.

"You don't believe Lokie would kill you?"

"I don't believe he wants to. No," she admitted. "I'm not afraid of him. You shouldn't be either."

"Look, Abrielle. I like you. But I'm not going to cross my uncle. It's not worth it."

She nodded. "All I did was rub your hand, Evan. Where I'm from, that's just a gesture of comfort. And I can see how you're feeling about your mom right now. I thought we could be friends."

"Why are you upset at him?"

"Oh, he didn't tell you? He must know he's wrong," she said instead of answering. "I'm ready to go."

When they got back to the house, Abrielle went straight to the pool house. Not because being in the house with Evan bothered her; but she did it because she knew she would wound up trying to extract her revenge through Evan. And Evan just didn't deserve to be used like that. Especially when she knew she wasn't going to be with him.

She let the puppy go out to use the bathroom, and she lied on the bed, her mind wandering to Shawn.

She wondered if he was alright. Hard as she tried, she couldn't completely say "fuck him" and go on with her life. It would have been easier if she wasn't pregnant. She would have nothing to lose. But right now... She did.

It bothered her so deeply that she should be expected to just climb right into his lap as if everything was okay. She knew that he knew he was wrong because he had avoided what she was asking.

Abrielle was more hurt that he thought it was okay than she was by the actual act. He didn't care enough to hide it. Enough to protect her feelings.

Still, a part of her couldn't help missing him while he was gone.

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