35: Plans

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Shawn had begun packing bags for Bri and the baby while they slept peacefully in the center of the bed. The baby rested on her breasts, his little hands fisted.

Shawn loved his sister, his nephew, and his wife. But he didn't love anyone more than he loved that little boy. And he wasn't going to protect anyone before that little boy. Not even Abrielle.

Shayla came and sat on the chair in the room, crossing her ankles. "What?" he asked her.

"I have to tell you something."

Shawn looked at her briefly before he went back to his task. "What?"

"Evan's father is not dead."

"How do you figure that?"

"Because, Shawn. I had consensual sex with him eighteen years ago and we stopped being friends."

Shawn froze in place and turned to look at his sister, just staring at her in disbelief. "What do you mean, Shayla?"

Shayla sighed and shook her head. "I went to visit my daddy once. Hector used to live next door. He was one of my coolest friends. He's five years older than I am. And when I was thirteen, I didn't know that what he wanted to do was illegal. I just knew that I liked talking to him and being around him. It's the closest I ever got to a romance. I knew about his son when things happened. I didn't realize then that what I was doing was helping him cheat on his girlfriend. I just knew he wanted to do it and so I let him. I didn't think anything of it."

"So do Evan know him?"

"He do now," she said, putting her face in her hands.

Before Shawn could see it coming, she was sobbing into her hands. He went to kneel beside her. "Shay, why are you crying?"

"I hate him, Shawn. You don't understand. I didn't want my son to meet him. My daddy wanted me to tell Evan about him, and I wasn't ready. I didn't want Evan to meet that fuckboy! I don't regret not telling him about that nigga. I just regret not killing him when I had the chance."

Shawn didn't know what to say for a moment. His sister was so damn good at keeping secrets and each one just got bigger.

"Shayla, what else have you not told me, like are we fucking Martians or something?"

Shayla laughed a little bit at that, but Shawn scowled.

"I'm glad you think this shit funny, Shayla, why you wonna tee-hee and shit."

"I'm sorry, Shawn. You said Martians. I'll give you a hint: we don't have the same father, but we have the same surname."

While Shawn stood there, staring at her, she wiggled her finger in time to the Jeopardy theme song. And then his eyes lit with recognition.

"They was brothas."


"Okay, what else?"

"That's it, Shawn. You know all my secrets, now, kiddo. No, that's a lie. Once, I ate your dinner because you irritated me."

"That was the best you could do, eat my food?"

"Be happy I didn't do the worst I could've. Continue packing. You'll be outta here soon."

Shawn just looked at his sister like she was crazy. Which, he knew, she was. Just not how people thought she was.

Shayla went to her room and got undressed, going to have a shower. Shawn wanted to take his family out for dinner tonight. Even Larielle and Evan were being subjected to coming.

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