She shot a warning shot past his head. Her vision was fine now. She'd learned from him. She could shoot anything she damn well pleased. Including him.

"What was that now? I won't shoot you? Because I will. I suggest you leave me be. You have to go to Mexico, go. You can survive if I don't kiss you. You don't deserve me to kiss you. What you really deserve is to be castrated and I hang your balls on my Christmas tree as a war trophy. Do you want these problems, Shawn?"

"Abrielle, I will fucking kill you-"

She aimed the gun at his dick, and he stopped in his stride.

"You wouldn't."

"Are you willing to risk testing me? Go to Mexico. Good luck."

Shawn sighed, raising his hands in surrender and backing up. "If you wonna be like this, Bri. Be like it. It's fucked up doe."

"So is what you did to me starting from day one. How the fuck did I fall in love with you?" she questioned.

Shawn left the pool house and went to pack his bag and get in his car, being driven to the airport.

As he went through security, he saw a familiar face. He couldn't place it, but as soon as the man saw Shawn, he looked afraid.

Shawn committed that face to memory. Any nigga that was afraid of him had to die. Because they were clearly crossing him. He trusted no one.

Meanwhile, Abrielle was outside doing target practice on her own. She felt like she might want to shoot her husband. And if she actually shot a bullet at him, she better not miss her target.

When she went inside, she saw Evan on the sofa, looking tired and tortured.

"Are you hungry?" she wondered. "I'm making breakfast in a minute."

"I'm alright."

"You'll turn down a free meal? And here I thought we were friends," she teased.

Evan smiled weakly, but he didn't say anything to her. He wasn't really in the mood.

Abrielle could see something was wrong and went to sit with him. "Hey, is everything alright?"

"Something is happening," he told her softly. "Somebody want Shawn real bad. Enough to where he been leaving the country more than he usually do. This the first time he ever made me leave the apartment. Something is at unrest, and I can't get my mom to come home, Abrielle."

Abrielle didn't know what else to do and she hugged Evan, rubbing his back. "Your mom is fine. And you know your uncle won't let anything happen to her."

Evan sighed. "You should go have your breakfast."

Abrielle knew that was just his way of getting her away from him. So she got up and left the room, and he stared at the ceiling. He wanted Shayla out of that hospital.

After Abrielle made her pancakes and bacon, she went outside to the pool house. Her puppy came running over, curling at her feet. Bri could get used to this dog. She was cute.

Abrielle guessed she was about two or three months. She hadn't bothered to ask Shawn if the breeder told him how old she was.

Bri shared a piece of bacon with the dog as she heard her laptop ring. It was Trina Skyping her.

"Hola, chula," Trina greeted, smiling.

"Hola. Mira lo que tengo."

Abrielle held up Saphire into the camera. Trina gasped and started cooing, "Ay, está una pequeña belleza."

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