5. Who Gon Stop Me

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"I fucking hate the woods. I. FUCKING. HATE. THE. WOODS!" I growled, stomping over various amounts of twigs.

"Remind me again why you decided to come with me," Scott questions, casually strolling behind me.

"Because if I went with Isaac he would try to flirt with me, Derek would annoy me with his brooding, and if someone even commented Peter to me I would go batshit. So you're my only option, plus it's nice to know you'll eventually get tired of me tripping and just carry me," I commented with a smile at Scott

"Sure," he says with a roll of his eyes, "any particular reason you've brought a gun."

I look down at Lola who is currently being held by my right palm, shrugging I look at him with a smirk. "I don't particularly feel like fighting a damn werewolf."


Whatever Scott says to me is lost because in that moment I hear the most ear splitting scream I've ever heard, so loud it make me drop to the ground and clutch my ears.

"SCOTT!" I yell, clutching my ears and hoping hat the noise gets blocked out but it doesn't. It's inside my head and what worse is that the voice is extremely familiar.

Scott lifts me back up, shaking me gently," hey! Imelda! Mel! It's okay!"

He places his hands over my own, gently displaying my ears as I whimper and shake. The scream had come and gone but it's after effects left me with a shaking frame.

"What happened?" He asks, wide eyed and concerned.

"Lydia," I mumble, looking back to where my car was,"I need to go get Lydia."

"Okay," Scott sighs," just go fine her. Make sure she stays indoors. I can handle this."

"BILLY! RUN! RUN!" Some little girl screams loud, her voice sounding through the woods.

I look at Scott to see if he had heard that and when he's looking in the direction the noise is coming from I sigh.

"Shit," I comment, grabbing his arm and tugging him in the direction," come on!"

We both run, my gun in my hand as we see 2 little kids run in through the woods and Boyd's smell not far behind.

"Shit!" I mumble, hiding the gun in the small of my back and throwing my jacket over it.

"What do we do?" Scott quietly asks.

"Keep them alive," I mumble, running after them.

Scott doesn't waste a second, running right next to me, we round the corner and catch the kids.

They scream, startled to see us.

"Hey, it's okay," I whisper to them," what's going on?"

The little boy clutches me, wrapping his small limbs around my waist as his sister grabs my arm tightly and looks between Scott and I.

"Somethings following us, it looks like a guy but his eyes glow!" She whispers, looking around scared.

"Okay— it's gonna be okay," Scott reassures her.

Boyd's loud growl makes both little kids jump as Scott and I look at one another, he's close.

"Come on," I mumble, grabbing them both and taking off. A small steel cabin isn't far from us, Scott opens the door wide enough for us to get in and locks it behind him. The girl and her younger brother hide into my side, both grabbing onto each other's hands as Scott stands in front of me.

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