Chapter Six

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“Shirts aren’t illegal, Soda” I said. He rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch,

“A body like this would be illegal to cover up.” he said flexing his muscles,

“Yeah, sure.” I mumbled sarcastically. Soda turned to me,

“So what time do I have to drive you over there?” he asked

“Zach is actually coming to pick me up at 6.” I said, Soda sat up straight,

“Wait how old is he, I thought he was a Freshman like you?” Soda pressed.

“He’s 16, he is a Junior, and he is borrowing his brother’s car.” I said. Soda rubbed his sleepy eyes again,

“Oh, okay.” he said leaning his back on the couch. Soda never acted like this, he was always the life of the party…I sat down on the floor by his feet and tapped his foot.

“Soda, what’s wrong?” I asked, he lifted his head and looked down at me,

“Nothing you should be worrying about Mar-Bear.” He said with a sad smile, he leaned his head back again and it was quiet for a moment. I stood up,

“Your not very fair.” I said angrily to him. Soda looked at me confused,

“How so?” he asked, I rolled my eyes

“Because whenever I have a problem you are the first person I come to. And I owe you big time, for everything. And your not letting me help you, and that’s not fair Soda.” I said. Soda smiled a crooked smile. 

“Okay fine, but you can’t tell Darry or Ponyboy.” he said sternly, I nodded my head. Soda took a deep breath, “Sandy got married.” Sandy was Soda’s sweetheart all the way from eighth grade. I liked Sandy, until she broke my brother’s heart. She had curly blonde hair and blue eyes that sparkled when she laughed. I really didn’t know what to say back to that, Sandy broke up with him only two months ago when she moved to Florida with her Grandma.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered not looking at him.

“It’s okay.” he mumbled back.

“Soda?” I asked 

“Yeah Mar?” he answered

“Can I tell you a secret.” I whispered. He nodded, “I’m glad you didn’t marry Sandy…because then I would be all alone. That and Darry and Pony would drive me crazy.” Soda laughed whole heartedly pulling me onto the couch with him into a big hug. He started to tickle me and I laughed and yelled for him to stop, we both stopped when we heard the door open,

“Hey Dar.” Soda said as Darry walked in. Darry looked at us, I was laying across Soda and his arms were on my stomach.

“Tickle war?” he asked. I laughed,

“You could say that.”  I replied, Darry walked over to the fridge and opened it,

“So what do you two feel like eating for dinner?” he asked,

“Actually Dar, Soda said I could go to Zach’s for dinner.” I said,

“Oh, yeah sure.” Darry said, “What time are you coming back?” he asked

“Probably around ten.” I replied. Just then there was a knock at the door, I must have jumped five feet in the air. I ran over to the door and opened it,

“Mary!” Zach said happily,

“Hey, Zach!” I said back, I stepped aside, “Please, come in.” I said. Zach stepped into the house. Darry walked over to him,

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