Chapter Seven

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There was a soft knock at my door, I looked and Darry poked his head in. 

“Hey Dar.” I said yawning, he chuckled sitting next to me on my bed.

“Mary, can I talk to you?” he asked seriously, I nodded, “Well, this Zach boy, he’s different than you. He’s from uptown and his older brother is a major Soc.” Darry said

“What’s your point Dar.” I mumbled

“I think you shouldn’t be with him anymore, just so you can be safe.” Darry said, I was suddenly very awake.

“What!” I shouted, Darry shushed me but I continued, “Don’t you try and tell me who I can be with Darry!” I screamed. Darry ran his finger through his hair,

“It’s not that Mary, I just that people will get the wrong idea about you. A girl from downtown with a boy from uptown.” He said raising his eyebrows. I was so mad I could feel my blood boiling, 

“So it was okay when Soda dated a girl from uptown,” I yelled “But when I go and do it you want to stop me?!” I screamed remembering Sandy’s huge white house, similar to Zach’s. 

“Will you stop yelling?” Darry said angrily, I stoped talking but I remained standing with my arms crossed. “I just don’t want him to hurt you Mary, and your so young and innocent, you cant make your own decisions.” That was it I bolted out of my bedroom and through the front door, “MARY GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” Darry yelled from the front door, I turned around

“I like it out here better!” I screamed back, then I decided to add a little flare before I ran away, so I flipped him the bird. I knew that soon one of my brothers, probably Pony because he was the fastest runner, would be after me. I sprinted down the street, I knew where I was going. 


Alice lived with Steve, their parents had died too some time ago. I ran up to the house and pounded on the door, hot tears streaming down my face, Steve opened it wearing only sweatpants,

“Mary?” he asked sleepily,

“I need Alice.” I said, but my voice broke and I started to bawl. Steve took my hand and walked me to Alice’s room. He went in and woke her up, Alice came running out of her room and hugged me,

“What’s wrong, Mary?” she asked leading me into her room so we could talk, but then I thought of something, I turned to Steve,

“Steve, your not gunna call Soda, right?” I asked still crying. Steve shook his head,

“No, I wont call your brother, but I bet they are looking for you.” he said, I nodded and went into Alice’s room,

After I told Alice the whole story I thought she was going to cry,

“Darry really said that to you?” She asked almost scared, I nodded.

“Alice, sometimes I love my family life, but times like now just overpower whatever happiness I have.” I looked at her and whispered “I wanna run away, to the country where there are no rules or people like Darry.” But then the Alice’s bedroom door opened and Steve was standing there.

“You don’t mean that Mary. You know your brothers love you, and they would give up everything if it would help you. Don’t run away, it would kill them.” He said, I sighed and looked at Alice,

“Can I sleep here tonight,” I looked at Steve, “I’ll go home tomorrow, I promise.” Steve smiled,

“That’s a good girl,” He said walking out of the room. I curled up next to Alice on her big bed. What would I do without her? Darkness took me…


The next morning I woke up before anybody else did, I shook Alice awake,

“Hey, I’m going to go home now,” I hugged her “Thank you.” I said, She smiled sleepily 

“Any time.” she said,

I walked outside and headed down the street, it was a cold September morning and I wished that I had brought a coat. I was dressed in sweatpants and a tank top, not the smartest thing I had ever done. I walked around the corner, when suddenly my heart dropped. Two cars full of Soc’s were parked right around the corner. I backed up and leaned against the brick building breathing heavily. How was I going to get home now!? I decided that if I walked quietly and hugged the edge of the road they would ignore me, I had no such luck. I got half way down the street when I heard,

“Hey hot stuff! Hey greaser girl!!” I started to walk faster,

“Come on, we just want to talk!” another boy yelled laughing, I broke into a dead sprint now, I just needed to make it to my house! My bare feet hit the blacktop hard, but I wasn’t going to stop. I could hear the guys behind me getting close, oh why couldn’t I run like Pony? Somebody grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around, I had never seen these Soc’s before.  

“C’mon, let me go.” I said quietly to them, they laughed, not a good sign. One Soc came from behind and lifted me up, another two grabbed my arms tight. Finally a boy stepped forward with a knife, I could feel my heart and it was about to burst. He smirked when he saw the fear in my eyes,

“Let’s give this greaser girl a little haircut.” he said laughing, I thrashed and squirmed trying to get away from them but they held me tight. The boy held the knife to my neck and I stopped, “That’s a good girl,” he said “I would hate to see that pretty little face of yours get hurt.” he whispered in my ear. “Now, how about I take you home and I can see just how greasy a girl you are?”

I screamed, 

“Darry!! Soda!!! Ponyboy!! Help!!!” I screamed about twice before the boy jammed his hand over my mouth, I bit him and he smacked me, the knife still in his hand. I felt blood oozing out from my right cheek. Then I heard yelling,

“Get the hell away from my sister!” A voice yelled, it was Darry. The Socs who were holding me dropped me and ran away. I hit the ground with a thud and my vision was all loopy. All I could hear was yelling and screaming. 

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