Chapter 4

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The next day I got up and got ready for school, none of Andy’s friends were going to bug me today. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out the door. “Bye!” I called back behind me. I liked getting to school early, it would also give me time to do that homework I didn’t do last night.

I sat under a tree on the left side of the parking lot and took out my books. In the middle of a math equation I heard somebody on the basket ball court. thump, thump, thump went the ball on the hot pavement. I looked up to see who it was, it was some older boy. Just by looking at him I knew he was a Soc. His blonde hair and nice clothes. He dropped the ball and looked over to me, I quickly put my head down. I didn’t want to give him any reason to start anything. I returned back to my equation, “Subtract 4, wait no…that’s wrong.” I muttered to myself. This was the fifth time I had tried this problem, why wasn’t it working?

“I hated Algebra too.” a soft quiet voice said from above me, I whipped my head up. It was the basketball boy. I looked around shyly not knowing what to say,

“Yeah, I’m no good at it.” I mumbled turning my head away from the boy. 

“Would you like some help, I’m pretty good at it.” he said confidently, I looked up at him, he smiled revealing a dimple on his left cheek. I put my head back down,

“I wouldn’t want you to go to so much trouble, you really don’t have to…” but he cut me off

“It’s no trouble at all!” He said cheerfully plopping down next to me under the tree. I looked at him, he had dark chocolate eyes that sparkled, how was he a Soc! “You don’t remember me, do you?” he asked me. I was puzzled, I had never seen this boy before in my life…

“No, I’m sorry, what is your name?” The boy grinned,

“My name is Zack Bently, and yesterday I saved you from Chip Danielson.” he said proudly. I gasped looking at him,

“That was you! Oh my goodness thank you so much, I was really scared…” I said

“No problem, but you probably shouldn’t be walking around by yourself at the lot…” he said tipping his head to the side. I groaned,

“That’s what my brother always tells me.” I said in an annoyed tone. Zack laughed,

“I’ve got and older brother too, Glen, he’s a senior. He tells me the same thing.” we both laughed, when was the last time I had laughed with another boy? After that Zack helped me finish my homework, I actually understood math now! He told me he could help me everyday if I came at the same time, so I said that sounds great. 


Time passed and Zack and I met everyday before anyone got to school to do homework. My math grade was the highest it had ever been thanks to him, and honestly he made me happy. One day when I was walking over to our meeting place I saw him sitting under the tree with an envelope. I sat down next to him,

“Morning!” I said happily

“How was your night?” he asked

“Pretty good, how about you?” I asked. He tipped his head then looked at me. “What’s wrong?” I pressed. He sighed,

“Well you see Mary, there is this girl, and I really like her. But I don’t know if she likes me. And I have this envelope” he said waving the white envelope “with two tickets to homecoming in it. But I don’t want to ask her if she doesn’t like me…” he said sadly. I turned away, a bit hurt at first. Who was this girl, I bet she was pretty.

“Can I ask you who it is?” I said quietly.

“You know her.” He replied. 

“That doesn’t help, Zack.” I said laughing, he smiled. 

“So what should I do?” He asked with a smirk on his face

“I think you should just ask this mystery girl to the dance, how bad could it be….” I said quietly. 

“Okay” He replied. Then we started to do our homework, we got it all finished just as the kids were starting to arrive for school. Zack stood up and offered me his hand, I took it.

“So,” he said slowly “would you like to go to homecoming with me?” I was shocked to say the least. I was the girl that Zack wanted to take to the dance, Zach liked me! I got butterflies in my stomach and I felt myself blush a little. But then I remembered, he was a Soc, and I was a greaser. People would laugh and judge…

“I don’t think that’s a good idea for you, Zack.” I turned my head away.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because were different, your from uptown, and I’m…I’m just a greaser.” I said quietly. Zach reached down and took my hands,

“Mary, do you think I care where you come from? It doesn’t matter. I like you because you are amazing, kind, and very beautiful.” He paused for a second “So do you want to go to the dance with me?” he whispered.

“Yes.” I whispered. “I would love to.” he smiled big and goofy, I could help but smile back. 

“Great!” he said. He hugged me then ran off to his first period class. The rest of the day was a happy blur, I was going to homecoming with Zack Bently! At lunch I sat with Alice and told her all about it, she was so happy for me. But I made her promise not to tell anyone, for now. How was I going to tell Darry that I’m going to a dance with a boy he has never met…

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