Chapter Six

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-Christine's POV-

"-yes mum, of course I'll feed her." My eyes rolled as I sat slouched back into the couch; Maddy occupied on the floor while she watched Peppa Pig.

"Ok, good. Just making sure."

She always seems to be 'making sure' every time I had Maddy. I've been away from home nearly twelves months now and I've also been babysitting Maddy from time to time as well. She is my sister after all and I don't plan on excluding her from my life any time soon.

"Well I'm having guests coming over in a few hours so I need to start tidying up. Talk to you later."

"Let me say goodbye to Maddy." Mum interrupted as I handed the phone to Maddy.

So mum and I didn't have the closest relationship. So what? It's something we've both grown used to. I'm more of a Daddy's girl if anything. In fact, I actually think I am.

"Bye Mummy!" Maddy waved to the phone before pressing end call. I chuckled at my little sister and took the phone back from her.

"Now Maddy, William and Niall are coming over today," she jumped on the spot in excitement, "and I'd like for you to smell pretty. So after Peppa Pig, I'll run you a bath ok?"

She pouted. "Ok Chrissy."

"Good girl." Kissing her forehead, I stood up and put the home phone back against the wall. Now to start cooking I guess. I'm not exactly the best cook in the world, but I'm good enough to get through day to day.

I was planning on miniature sausage rolls and party pies for lunch. To top it off with Greens cupcakes. I think it was vanilla, I do t know. But at least the packet cane with sprinkles.

Beginning on the dessert mix, my arm began to grow slightly tired from mixing this stupid thick mix. It's a cupcake mix! The next time I want to make concrete, I'll fucking buy some.

"Chrissy!" Maddy called. "Bath time!"

"Ok honey, give me a second!" I put the mix into a cupcake tray with the little wrappers and slowly put them into the oven.

Eh, I'll clean up after I bath Maddy.

Coming upstairs, I saw the bathroom door open and stepped in to see Maddy already undressing. "Somebody's keen." I joked kneeling down and getting out her favourite body wash before filling the tub.

She leant over the side of the bath and watched in awe at all the bubbles that began to appear.

"Can I get in now?" She whined as I sighed and smiled over at her.

"Sure Maddy." With a bit of help, Maddy successfully got into the bathtub and plonked down splashing bubbles in me. "Hey!" I laughed as she giggled already playing with the soapy mixture.

Once I believed the bath was full enough, I turned off the water and began giving her a wash. Her short had it easier for me to wash around her neck and shoulders.

I swear sometimes I felt like a parent to this little one. We get to spend more time together as my parents hours grow longer as well as their paychecks.

I'm just really thankful that when I moved out, they let me stay in a house they were willing to sell. Plus Dad always puts a sneaky five hundred in my account every two weeks though I'm not complaining. I need to buy my life too you know.

"Ok! All done!" I chirped pulling Maddy from the bath and wrapping a towel around her small body. "Go into your room and I'll help you get dressed." She nodded running out of the bathroom as I let the water out.

Jesus Christine; you have a lot to do before Niall and William come.

• • •

A knock came on the door before I heard Maddy call. "Somebody at the door!"

"Ok!" I yelled and tightened my ponytail before making my way towards the entrance of the house.

Alright Christine, just breath. It's only Niall and William.

I opened the door with a smile on my face only for it go drop. "Chris." I growled as he stuck his hands in his jean pockets. "I thought I told you not to come to my house!" My hissing made it clear I wasn't happy with my boyfriend at the moment.

"I know baby, but-"

"No, no, no. Don't baby me Chris! You left Maddy outside on a public street bit herself and screamed abuse at me over the phone!" His eyes made a small eyeroll as he stepped forward.

"I had to go grab-"

"Christine?" Both Chris and I looked over to see Niall holding William at the bottom of the porch steps. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Yeah mate, you actually-"

"No." I cut Chris off. "Chris was just leaving." I glared telling him to do as I said.

"Christine, I haven't finished-"

"Mate, she said to leave. So I'd do as she says." Niall stepped up as Chris turned and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Who the fuck are you?" Niall cringed at the swearing and gave a quick look down at William before looking up. His glare matching Chris'.

"Somebody who can call the boys around the break that little mouth of yours." His words even made me a little uncomfortable. I don't doubt that Niall could have contacts to certain men like that.

Chris scoffed and looked back at me before pointing an accusing finger.

"This talk isn't over." He sneeted and flipped Niall off before stomping back to his car.

"Sorry about that." I sighed and stepped aside, opening the door wider for Niall.

"It's no problem." He gave me a light hearted smile and took my offer stepping into the house. "Wow, nice house you got."

"Thanks. You would not believe the cleaning I did for you." I joked as Niall lightly chuckled. "Maddy! Guess who's here!"

The sound of her little footsteps made me smile wider as she bounded into the room.


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