Chapter 3- Don't Leave Me...

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'That's the strange part. I cant hear there brain waves, they must be out, that's when i smell the blood."

I open the my door to my car and rush to my front door. I instantly know that something is wrong.

Why can i smell blood, It's not human blood either. I can smell the difference of bloods, and this is defiantly not human.

I Feel around in my pocket for my keys. I can't feel my keys in my pocket. 

Where the hell are they?

 I look around to see my bag in my car, they must be in there.

I open my car door again and grab my bag. I tip everything out of my bag and rummage around in all the rubbish i have in there. 

Why do have all this junk in my bag anyway.

I make a note of needing to clean my bag out soon. But that's not whats important right now.

I find my set of keys. As i run to my door again i hear my keys jingle from the keyring of a picture of my dad, mum, brother and me at Disneyland round 10 years ago. As i look at the picture i know that's something wrong in the house because when i look at my mums and dads face i know its there blood i can sense it.

I hurriedly try and fit the key in the key whole but i drop it because I'm shaking.

I try again and this time i fit the key in and unlock the door, as soon as it's open i run through the hall and i can see blood smudged all over our freshly decorated walls. There are hand prints and i know there the size of my mums.

 I run straight into the living room there are puddles of blood all over our wood floor but there are no mum and dad.

 I burst our crying i know they must be seriously injured because there are lots of blood.

"M-mum, D-d-dad" I scream but there;s no reply, even though i know there wouldn't be because i couldn't feel any brain waves i still hoped. I ran into the next room which is the kitchen and again there is blood ever where and knife's missing out of the the knife block. The kitchen is a trash. Who ever has attacked my parents must of put up a fight.

"Mum Dad where are you?" i shout while i pick up a meat cleaver and run to the yard there re foot steps of blood but it's not my parents blood and there not humans because i can still tell its not human. But the foot staep stop near the window sil.

And i couldn't smell my parents out here so rush back in. 

I know there not down stairs. I walk back to the kitchen and put some of the blood on the tops of two of my fingers so i could have a better smell of the blood, It was definitely my mums and a slight mixture of my dads. NOW Ive had a better smell of there blood i can smell it stronger upstairs.

I run through the kitchen still with my meat cleaver in my hand and now i have so many tears in my eyes that i can't see properly, I know that something is seriously wrong and i can't sense my parents anymore. I've ran through the living room and i can now pick up that another mer's been in here, It's a rouge. 

A rouge is when a mermaid hasn't got a kingdom  to live at. They mostly live on the land. Normally they are more weak than your normal mer's but when there a large group of rouges they are deadly and i can tell there's more than one thats been in my house.

I am more worried than before, now that i know that rouges has been in my house. I look around the living room and see my shell phone.

it's a phone where you put it to the ear and you can talk to mers under water.

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