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Mabel's POV
I woke up in the floor of a black room it was really creepy and cold. I got really tired all of a sudden but I just fell asleep. I saw that the Dorito demon front of me again.


I woke up on the floor and a bright yellow room with bricks and Bill was in the middle. "Oh shooting star, how nice of you to join me." Bill said to me. I felt a sharp pain in my back. I gripped my back and started screaming. The pain was unbearable and I don't know how I could even live through it.

I didn't know if it was bleeding or not but it hurts and I had no idea why. Suddenly a picture of Dipper popped into my head. "DIPPER!!!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs.

"Well you're going to give it away." Bill said. He snapped his fingers and I fainted.

End of flashback

I was chained to the wall and Bill started laughing. "I don't need you ruining my plans! Mostly for Pinetree if you ask me." He said pointing to a screen with Dipper on it.

"Mabel?! Where are you?! Where did you go!" DANG I CANT SEE A FUDGING THING!" Dipper yelled worried. "Dipper, IM RIGHT HERE!" Yelled someone but I know it wasn't me. Bill possessed my body and grabbed Dipper's hand.
"Come on P- Uh Dipper. Toothbrush race is over!" Bill/Mabel said shakingly.

"Wanna lead me to the bed room too" Dipper said unsure of himself.

All I could do is watch.
"Dipper, just trust you're twin, remember, Mystery Twins." Bill said in disgust. "Um, ok but how do I reverse what happened to me?" Dipper asked.
Bill talked to me in my mind. "Ps I did that to Pinetree so he doesn't see my eyes." He telekineticly said to me.

I saw Bill have a golf club in his hand.
I didn't wanna think or see what I thought was going to happen.

"Sit down Dipper, I'll try to help, you won't feel a thing." He said creepily while lifting the golf club in the air about to wack his head.

"DIPPER NOOOOOO!" I screamed. Everything turned black and all I heard was a CLANK! Then a thump.

Dipper's POV

Everything was black. This is what it was like to be blind. I don't like it. Mabel, I hope, led me to I'm guessing the bed. I laid down and settled myself. "Just you're sister, it's just you're sister." I said in my mind trying to calm myself but I couldn't bring myself to trust her.

Her voice was different and sounded more....echoey then usual. "Sit down Dipper, I'll try to help, you won't feel a thing." She said creepily.

That done it. I knew something was wrong. Suddenly I could see and I saw Mabel holding her golf club. She saw the fear in my eyes and looked like she enjoyed it. Suddenly she hit me in the side of my head. I almost fainted. But I was just really badly hit in the head.

Red liquid poured out of my head. I felt so lightheaded. I got up but quickly fell down on the floor.

"What a shame what siblings are capable of eh Bro Bro." She said really creepily.

"Why Mabel, what made you do this, what did I ever do to you!" I yelled forgetting how awful I sounded.

I clutched my head, it hurt sooooo bad!
"Mabel, all I do is sacrifice for you, you have no idea how many times I did. I always tried to be the best brother in the world. But this is going to far, I always looked after you!" I yelled.

"You're nothing but an EMBARRASSMENT!" She yelled cold heartedly.

"An embarrassment? AN EMBARRASSMENT! I screamed hurting my bleeding head.

"I tried to help, be there for you, and other things people do to their loved ones. You are the only friend I have, the only twin sister I have. I always thought I meant something to you, I thought what we had was real, SIBLING WAY!" I said almost fainting from the blood loss.

"Well, you thought wrong. I'm making sure I take care of this myself." She said. She ran down stairs and grabbed a knife. She raised it above my head. I was crying at that point.

"SOMEONE HELP! STAN, WENDY, SOOS, ANYONE! HELP M-" I screamed until someone burst though the door. It was Wendy!

"Yo dudes, what's going oooooooooon." Wendy said looking at the pool of blood.

"MABEL HAVE YOU GONE MAD!" She yelled as she lunged at Mabel and cut her arm on the knife. Wendy managed to tackle Mabel off me.
Stan ran into the room and look at all of us.

"You think you foolish meat sacks can beat me." Bill said as he floated out of Mabel.

He grabbed me by my shirt and pinned me to the wall.

"Someone act fast or Pine tree won't need to worry about headaches again." He said putting the knife up to my throat. I'm guessing he's going to cut my head off?!

"Don't do it! I'm not worth it!" I yelled hoping someone wouldn't make a deal.
"I will make a deal with you!" Stan yelled.

"What's the deal?" Bill asked suspiciously. Grunkle Stan was stalling. He wanted me to get away. I slowly got out of Bill's grip. I forgot he was holding on to my shirt. I pulled gently but he didn't let go or notice for that matter. I tried ripping my shirt but with my noodle arms I couldn't. I also tried getting out of my shirt but that also didn't quite work, yeah let's go with that.

"Hmm that deal seems reasonable but I rather do this." Bill said as he looked at me. Instead of a pupil, Bill had a blue Pinetree in his eye.

"What's happenin-" I said before I looked directly in his eye and couldn't move, look away, or even blink. I was hypnotized to the pine tree in his eye. My eyes glowed yellow and my pupils disappeared and after that I blacked out, just like Mabel?!

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