Too Much to Take In

Start from the beginning

I nodded, waiting for him to get to the point.

"So I was thinking... You should go to school with Ichigo."

I did a spit take. "You want me to do what now?" Then I realized the mess I made and quickly went into the kitchen to find something to clean up the mess. Once I was done, I sat down and proceeded to eat my cereal. "Why do I have to go to school?" I pouted.

"Don't complain," he brushed off my puppy eyes. Damn, he's somehow gotten better with doing that. "I just want you to be around Ichigo. For your protection. I can't be around you all the time, so I decided Ichigo was the next best thing. If any soul reapers come to the World of the Living, Ichigo will be able to protect you." I was about to protest, saying that I could protect myself, when Isshin continued speaking. "Plus, you have no way of leaving your gigai. Your defenceless." I glared at him, knowing it was true.

"Fine," I sighed, giving in. "When do I start?"


"What?" I whined. "I only got here yesterday."

He gave me a look, saying I don't care, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to win.

I pushed away the empty bowl, and let my head bang against the table. "Okay, okay. I'll go."

I looked up and saw a smile on Isshin's face. I missed him so much.

"I'll be right back," he spoke and left the room. When he came back, he had a uniform in his arms. "Here's your uniform. Your already late for school, so you better hurry."

I went to the bathroom, not knowing why he would even have a uniform and changed into the horrid uniform. When the Arrancars had showed up in Karakura Town, Toshiro made us go to the high school. And the stupid school had stupid uniforms.

As I was pulling my shirt down, I noticed something in the mirror. On my stomach, there was the Japanese symbol for change. On its side was a different coloured wing. On the right, the wing was blue, the left was purple.

"What the...?" I murmured. I looked down at my stomach and saw that it actually was there. "When did I get this?"

Suddenly, I got really dizzy. I fell forward and landed on the counter.

I pulled down my shirt when my wave of dizziness passed. I held up my head. "What was that?" I murmured. I decided to shrug it off, and pretend it was nothing.

When I walked out of the bathroom, my stomach gurgled. Isshin laughed at this. "I see your appetite hasn't gotten any smaller."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm going to walk you to school. Just in case."

I smiled. That means I get to be with Isshin longer. He handed me a backpack and we walked out the door.

"Are Karin and Yuzu going to know I'm staying here?" I asked. Sure we only left the house two minutes ago, but I couldn't stand the silence.

Isshin shook his head. "We're going to try to keep you being here a secret."

"But the school knows I'm here!"

"Kisuke already thought about that. He placed a kido spell on them. If they were to be approached by any soul reapers in the Soul Society, they forget that you exist until the soul reapers leave." Then he chuckled. "I wouldn't let him put it on the girls. Only Ichigo, Orihime, Uryu and Chad don't have the kido on them."

I nodded. Soon, we arrived at the school. Isshin gave me another hug, which I obviously returned.

"Ichigo knows that you and I knew each other back in the Soul Society. Please don't go into more detail then that," Isshin commanded after our hug.

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