Chapter 1- Killer

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He is a ruthless apathetic killer! He hit me! Killed my parents! He put me in jail! He let me rot there!He said I killed my parents! He blamed me, meeee for their death! When he was the true killer!

The most people I loved ! They only family I had! He killed them with his bare cold hands! He let me watch there death infront if my crying, begging for mercy eyes! He let me rot till death in the dark isolated jail cell! 435 days and I waited for the truth to show! They all blamed me! My friends and relatives,ALL, they blamed me for killing mom and dad! They betrayed me!


They started making stories of why I killed them! The made me be a killer! Not a victim! How could they even think of such a thing! People called me cold blooded!

Black soaled!



Everyone believed my once was uncle! They believed the real killer! They told him that they were sorry for his loss! They all blamed me!? I showed them the hits I received from him! They said I did it myself! They betrayed me!

I won't forgive him! Nor any of them! But I will take revenge from him! The killer! It was Christmas when he killed my parents! He cut off their heads! He let me watch every single horrific detail! I cried for him to kill me instead! But not them! Not mom! Not dad! I begged him! I kissed his ugly dirty shoe! For mercy! Everything I did was useless! They put me in jail instead of him! 435 days lonely in a isolated cell! With no food! No water! No cloth! He just let me rot their like mice did! But he won't be free from his sin! I am gonna kill him! Even worse! They lre I won't make him have the mercy of death! I will make his life a living hell! Just when my soal is free! He won't be free from my curse! He thought that if I die! He would live happy with no blame! That he would take my parents money, and live wealthy and in peacr!But he thought WRONG! I will never leave him alone until I seek my parents and my revenge! I will.not give him mercy! Just like he did to my innocent parents! I will show him how is loosing someone that bad! I know now that my parents are in heaven! They chose it. And I will choose the middle pass I will become a ghost! I will hunt this ugly ruthless apathetic murderer!! He killed them for money! He valued money over life! Over family!!?

How could he kill my parents after all the help they gave him! All the money they shared him! My mom his sister! She loved him! All the caring they gave him! How could he?? He killed his own sister! My mom! She cried him for mercy! She told him that he can take all there money but just leave us leave! She said that she would do him anything! He ignored her! He let his nephew watch! He let me see the day I wished to never come! How could a person be that ruthless! They never hurt him! All he wanted was money!


Just 2 more days and I will show him the true revenge of SALLY STONE ! I will show him what does it mean to get hurt! I will show him, how much he hurt me! Trust me, with my dead life! He won't like it. And trust me, with my dead soal! I will like it. I will enjoy every single bit of it....

What do you think?! I know it is short!? But imagine someone close to you killing your parents! Your mom ! Your dad!And blaming it on you! You would feel betrayed! And then they put you in jail! And you die there! No food ! No water! Just you and 4 walls! That would be horoffic! Don't forget to vote☆☆☆

Have a nice day! ;)☆♡

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