Sleep is the Best Meditation

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"Sammy, stop squirming already." Dean mumbled into his pillow as his brother shuffled around under his thick winter blanket.

"Sorry." His words held a slight lisp as his tongue collided with his descended fangs. Sam stilled his muscles and prepared for a long, still wait until morning.

Life for the Winchesters had grown difficult, but not impossible, since Sam had been bitten by a hybrid type of vampire. Thanks to Castiel's angel mojo, Sam could usually go unnoticed amongst the civilians on a day to day basis. Unfortunately, there were some side effects: Sam could no longer sleep, he didn't need food or water and his senses as well as physical strength was stronger. That's without mentioning the obvious, like blood drinking and freezing cold skin.

The bed further away from the door started to rock again as the vampire continued to roll around. Despite being a vampire, of sorts, for over 2 months now, he still hadn't fully accepted that he simply didn't need to sleep anymore. He'd twist and turn all night just praying for sleep to come; it never did.

"Sam!" Dean barked sharply, "Please!"

Sam froze, refusing to make the bed squeak any more. He wasn't tired yet his mind was asking why he wasn't asleep. He missed the sweet embrace of unconsciousness. Sam found himself obsessing over the natural event. He'd watch Dean sleep for hours on end and had spent days researching sleep and vampire lore in the hope of finding some help.

The darkness didn't effect Sam too much anymore. His eyes were more sensitive meaning that it was easier to make things out in the dark. He glanced around the motel room and sighed. What was the point in lying here if he couldn't even sleep?

The vampire pulled himself up and sat on the edge of his bed for a moment watching Dean breathe. Sam didn't really need to breathe but he did so anyway to try and feel human.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Dean mumbled in Sam's direction.

Without replying, Sam pulled on his shirt and jeans before heading in the direction of the motel door. The older bother merely rolled his eyes as he watched his brother go.

Sleeping while a vampire really sucks.

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