⌱ 0.7

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The first couple of hours of Friday night was nothing but a complete blur. Hallie's hair looked like it belonged on the top of someone in a Lana Del Rey video clip (thanks to Violet), her make-up was the furthest thing from what she would class as socially acceptable. For the first time since her Elementary school Halloween disco, Hallie felt pretty.

"Do I have to wear these?" Hallie held a pair of beige pumps Violet had assigned her as she sat on the edge of the bath.

"Wear your converse if you really don't like them, Hals." Violet laughed and finished powdering her face, barely audibly singing some Nirvana song Hallie wasn't that fond of, she had only heard Violet mindlessly sing it to herself. I'll wear the pumps, she thought. She didn't want to be more of an idiot in front of Luke.

"So, when's Michael coming?" Hallie slipped into her heels, somehow managing to keep her balance.

"Well he's getting Luke first, so they'll be here in about 15, we should eat noodles or something." Hallie nodded and felt anxiety plummet her stomach in a matter of seconds. It would take a lot more than a bowl of chicken 2 minute noodles for Hallie to take her mind off Luke.

"I'm actually so proud of your hair, you literally look like a blonde, mild Amy Winehouse ... minus the eyeliner." Violet laughed and lugged another mouthful of noodles, prodding her septum piercing.

"You're a true artist." Hallie gushed.

New message from Luke from geo :))

Hallie could only make herself believe that he texted her by mistake, that he meant to ask anyone but her how they were. She felt she could die.

"Texting the Hemmatron, are we?" Violet winked, placing her and Hallie's bowls by the sink. Hallie blushed, putting her phone in the clutch Violet let her borrow for tonight.

"You know what, do what you want tonight. I'm just thankful you're not on the rag." Hallie really felt like she could die now.

"Oh my god, you're on the rag." Violet rushed over from across the bench, practically crushing her ribs with her embrace.

"Fuck off." Hallie wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow her head-first, her cheeks were more than red even without the blush Violet insisted on her wearing. Any moment the tall blonde boy from geography was going to take her to a party and she still couldn't manage it. She still couldn't fathom how she was sat in Violet's kitchen at 9pm in a tight black dress and four inch heels waiting for Luke.

Fucking hell.


He felt like he could die.

"You're not gonna bone her tonight, right?" Michael laughed, pulling into Violet's driveway as Yellowcard played from the car radio. Luke only looked down at his vans, trying to hide the blood rising to the surface of his cheeks.

"I'm not going to bone her." Michael nodded at Luke's words and pulled out his phone, most likely texting Violet to come to the car. Luke couldn't help but think about Hallie wearing a dress (if she was even wearing a dress tonight), and if she was wearing those combat boots that appeared to be attached to her feet permanently. He thought about her hair being sleeked and curled, rather than the usual knots and paintbrushes hidden in her careless routine for school. He didn't mind, either way, Hallie was beautiful in anything. He swallowed hard and looked over to Michael, who still seemed to be texting Violet, or Calum.

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