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She hadn't even said anything nice to him. She hadn't told him that she would gladly accept the obligation of being buried in his dimples, nor the fact that his laugh could cure pneumonia in a heartbeat (which was evidently true). That's exactly why she hadn't said it aloud, because all her feelings for him turned to nothing but nonsense in her mouth.

"Nice choice of shirt today." Luke managed to be audible over their insanely talkative surrounding.

Hallie continued scribbling in her workbook. Luke sighed.

"Why won't you talk to me?" He hesitated, fiddling with the pen before him.

"I don't know." Hallie didn't dare make eye contact. She felt weird, out of place, sick. She almost made herself believe it was Luke's cause, but it wasn't, at least she thought so. She could feel her throat becoming tight, like a sea of vomit that was ready to plunge out of her mouth any minute now. She tried swallowing down the nausea, sinking into her seat.

Clutching her stomach, she made her way to where Miss Dawson sat. Shit, Hallie ... you look really pale, Luke mouthed from his seat. She attempted a helpless smile.

"Um, would it be ... okay for me ... to go to sickbay? I think ... I'm about to throw up or something." Hallie breathed, mentally crying from embarrassment. Before Miss Dawson could reply or do remotely anything, Luke chimed in as if he were an utterly perfect, perfect angel. Hallie mentally threw up at her poor description.

"Miss, can I take her?" With a nod from Miss Dawson, Luke took Hallie's hand in his tightly as they both exited the classroom. Hallie practically felt her heart leap out of her chest, unless that was the feeling of her vomit rising quicker than the water in Titanic.

"You want water or something?" Hallie nodded at Luke's words, managing a smile. Luke let go of her hand (she really, really didn't want him to) and walked her to the drink taps outside with his stupid hands delved in his stupid jeans.

"Do we have to go to sickbay?" She mumbled and picked at her chipped nails, Luke smiled, shaking his head.

"Not if you don't want to." They were sat in the middle of the corridor, not a person in sight, thankfully. It was just Luke and Hallie, and the colossal silence between. It seemed like millions of seconds passed before she practically lugged forward, gagging in the process. As if she were throwing up, but with nothing came out, just that really, really unattractive regurgitating sound. Fucking hell, she thought.

"We're going to the bathroom." Luke concluded and helped Hallie up, she nodded and looked down at her waist, in which Luke's arm was well around. Finally making it to the girl's toilets, Hallie rushed to the sink, attempting to heave something out, wanting to cry in the process.

"Give me your phone, I'll text Violet for you." Luke quickly grabbed Hallie's hand before letting go and sitting on the bench-space next to her. Still, nothing. She gave Luke her phone, giving up and sitting on the tiled floor.

"Passcode's 1573." Hallie managed to say before making her way to the closest cubicle, clutching the sides of the seat and coughing unintentionally, letting herself cry. It fucking hurt, being impossibly sick and having Luke within a two metre's radius.

"She's only a couple of rooms away so she won't be long - Hallie?" Luke entered the cubicle, Hallie's face on the verge of in the toilet bowl. After what felt like hours of throwing up absolutely nothing, she felt her throat tighten and whole body shake with vomit escaping like a tsunami, mixing with toilet water -which only made Hallie want to throw up even more- she felt Luke hold her hair back and take her hand, the bathroom door swinging opening.

"Hal!" Violet rushed to Hallie's side, Luke letting go of her hand and leaving the cubicle.

"V - i." Hallie attempted to make out before vomiting up what felt like her entire innards.

She wanted Luke.


It was the end of school, and Luke couldn't help but wonder if Hallie was okay, if she went home, if she needed him -which she more than certainly didn't- but he wanted to know. She was beautiful, breathtaking. Like the person in a Greek myth who makes one of the gods stop caring about being a god. Somehow her messy hair and incredibly oversized band tees made her look cuter than anything he'd ever seen ever, to Luke, that was.

He wanted to grow her in a field and have each and every Hallie be his.


She wondered where Luke was, what he was doing. Whatever it was. If he cared. He was like rain on a perfect night, any other night would be infuriating. But it was Luke, he was perfect.

Hallie sighed and shut her laptop, convincing herself 325 words was more than enough for her French essay, surely. She felt like a dust-bunny caught in a tornado, completely disadvantaged. Grabbing a khaki coat and combat boots, she trudged down the staircase with her phone in hand and headphones in, The Stone Roses playing on full volume. She checked the time. 7:28pm.

"Going for a walk, Jocelyn!" Hallie almost made it out the door.

"At least take Olly with you!" Aunt Jocelyn called from the lounge room, she was watching Gilmore Girls, as usual. Hallie clasped Olly's lead to his collar and left without a word, captivated in piercing cold snow. She set off for the park opposite 52nd, which was about twenty minutes away and close to Muffin Break (if it was still open at this time). The cold didn't effect her anymore, once she walked a block.

After an approximate ten minutes of walking, Hallie reached the park and sat down at the bench closest to the lake, watching Ollie lick at the frosting grass. She felt better. Less embarrassed at vomiting in front of Luke. Less stressed about that stupid French essay. Barely bothered about what Luke was doing right this minute. She had time to think.

But it seemed as if Luke was the only thing she wanted to think about.

long time no fucking update.
i apologise for that, like i had about a million things due and i had a writer's block bigger than mount everest.
though i am sorry, pls don't crucify (but you should feel obligated to).
lol ok hands up if you thought olly was a person.
also i apologise if you hate reading or thinking about vomit. i hope the lallie moments make up for it.
be sure to vote and comment.
also i'll try to be more frequent with updating.

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