Chapter One

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Nyx's P.O.V.

   A deafening knock sounded throughout my small room, shattering the wall between my own realm and reality, bringing a sense of dread I successfully avoided, at least for a while. I was atop my soft bed, buried in between my silky crimson sheets with my dark hair scattered upon my cottony pillow. My eyes scanned through the carefully hand-printed words written in the old leather-bound book I had stolen from Ms. Maulen's office.

    It was a strange little book with pages yellowed from age, almost falling out from the binding in places. It had these bizarre symbols on various pages, some just being simple shapes such as triangles and squares with a message in a foreign language in the inside of it. Others were more complex, and of elaborate pentagonal shape with myriad of lines arranged in such a way that meant something. A code I had yet to understand.

    Still lost in my thoughts, another ear-piercing knock captured my attention, reminding me I quickly needed to hide the book. I sprang into action, kicking away the bed sheets, and landed on the dark wooden floor, its coldness chilling my bare feet.

    Light coming from outside shined through the window near my bed and cast the shadow of a large bird on my window pane. However, when I looked through the window, there was nothing to be seen. Ignoring the queer event, I dashed around to the corner of my room, the indigo walls becoming a blur, and pried open the loose floor board that only I knew was there.

    Inside was a traveling bag filled with my most treasured possessions, the bag itself being one. It was given to me by my older brother with a note on a small piece of parchment promising 'I'll be back soon”, three days before he disappeared. That day had happened five years ago, and my brother had yet to fulfill the promise.

  The travel bag was nothing special. It had two dark straps that would go around my slim shoulders, had a large black main pocket connected to the straps, and two smaller maroon pockets on the left and right side of it. Even though I tried to keep the bag in its best condition, scratches from my past "adventures" in the woods still marked it here and there.

    I opened the metal latch of the main pocket and set the stolen book on top of my other treasures wrapped each in a thick scarlet cloth. I then hastily fastened the latch, my nimble fingers making a quick job of it and replaced the floorboard I took out. Just as I hid the book from sight, my door burst open, rattling the wooden dresser and armoire, showing the face of one of the witch's minion full of rage and impatience.

    Jaquet's stringy blond hair fell around her slightly round face. Her ferret-like features scrunched up into a distasteful scowl. Her loathsome brown eyes stared at me as if I was a freak, which I supposed was what I looked like to certain people.

    In nasal voice reeking of arrogance and superiority, Jaquet announced, “Ms. Maulen said there are some visitors waiting for you in the lounge. Though honestly, I have no idea why anyone would visit someone like you."

    In a bold and confident voice, fixing my posture to appear taller, and looking Jaquet straight in the eyes, I replied, “Are you sure you're not acting this way because you're jealous? After all, they might be suitors and that's more than you can ever hope for in your pathetic life."

  For a second, a stab of guilt pierced my heart. It didn't sound like me at all, but one of the other girls who made fun of me. Maybe that was too harsh. But  then  the  guilt  washed  away  as  Jaquet  smirked,  looking  barely  affected  with  her  nose  high  in  the  air  and responded with, "Whatever you want to think from spilling those petty little tears. I mean, the rest of us know about your relationship between you, and your parents and why you're at this school in the first place."

   My muscles tensed up, my family being part of my vulnerability, and clenched my fists trying to control my anger. I knew if I  replied, the insults would be traded between us for a while, and that would only make Ms. Maulen more irritated for us being late to the lounge, so I simply said nothing. I looked up to see Jaquet with a satisfied smile upon her face who then turned and walked out of the tall doorway. I stepped into the lavish hall, took a deep breath, and prepared to meet my visitors who I hoped would be my ticket out of here.


~spaced out few paragraphs ~ spaced out dialgoue, though I'm not sure if I did it correctly 

{A/N - Final edit done by darkphoenix1836}

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