Gem of Youth

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WHOO! After much delay, I'm finally going to start writing Steel and Stone! :D I just wanted to let everyone know ahead of time that this book will have SUPER SLOW UPDATES because I have other stories that will be taking priority over this one until they are finished, and I'll be working with a collab quite soon with Bamboo, so that'll be on top of the list, too. I've got a pretty heavy load with work and classes this semester, so that's also (unfortunately) going to add to the slowness of all of my updates in general.

But, without further ado, STEEL AND STONE!! Happy reading! ^_^/


My eyes opened to the blinding sunlight sneaking through the leaves of the tree above me. "That dream again," I sighed, standing so I could brush grass off myself. Every night for the last three days I had dreamed about the night my father sent me away from the castle. Under the cover of darkness, unbeknownst to the citizens who would later be told she had died from illness, crept away the princess of Fiore. The King's precious gem, his most valuable treasure: Me.

"Levy, there you are!" I turned towards the sound of my best friends' voices.

"Jet. Droy," I smiled. "Good morning. I didn't know you two had arrived at the guildhall yet."

"Master Makarov was worried," Jet said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the guildhall. "He said you left earlier without your cloak. He was afraid you had gone into Magnolia without it."

I sighed heavily when Droy grabbed my other hand, helping Jet drag me inside. "I just went into the yard, you two," I chuckled. "I've been in hiding for fifteen years, I know not to go out without my cloak or some other disguise. You shouldn't worry."

"We can't help but worry," Droy frowned. "You're important to us, Levy, and we don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't," I said, smiling as my chest warmed from their consideration. "Besides, it has been fifteen years since the 'princess' died from an illness, so no one would recognize me."

"We still can't take that chance." It was Master who spoke now. He stood on the banister of the second floor, looking down at me. The short old man didn't look very intimidating, but he was one of the strongest knights under my father's command. He was the master of the knight's guild, Fairy Tail; the place that had been my home for the last fifteen years.

"I just went into the yard," I explained.

"You still should have told someone where you were going. It is our duty here at Fairy Tail to protect you, so I'm sure you can understand why we would be worried when you suddenly disappear without telling anyone."

"You're right," I sighed, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, dear," he smiled.

Excusing myself, I went to a table currently occupied by one of my closest friends. "Lu-chan," I grinned, "how are you this morning?"

"Great," the blonde beamed, her brown eyes shining brightly. "How did your morning adventure go?" She winked coyly as I groaned.

"I went into the yard! You'd think that I tried running away or something!"

She giggled, patting me on the back. "They care about you, that's all."

"It's their duty to care about me," I grumbled.

"Do you honestly think that's why they're doing all of this," she frowned.

"No," I sighed. "You guys are my family, and I know you think of me the same way. It's's a little frustrating that I have to hide all the time. I mean, I've dressed like a guy for the last fifteen years!" I motioned down to my clothes. I wore the standard uniform of the other male knights; black pants, a black undershirt, and armor over my upper body.

Steel and Stone (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Where stories live. Discover now