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Sadly, today is our last day here with the guys! It's so sad that we have to leave them again!

  We slept in until around 11. After all of us got ready, we went to a café downtown to get coffee and donuts.
Our flight is scheduled for 5 PM. The guys decided they'd come with us on our flight home, but they'd have to leave soon after.

When we got back to the hotel room, I sighed and pulled out my suitcase, throwing my clothes back in it.

"Babe, what're you doing?" Michael said laughing  at me and pulling me into a hug from behind.
"Well I'm attempting to pack my things." I say and wriggle out of his grip.
"Let me help you!" He says smiling.
We fold my clothes and pack them.
Michael sighs as he puts the last few things in the suitcase.
  "I'm gonna miss you cupcake."
"I'm gonna miss you too Mikey! But only a month until the baby's born! We can make it!" I say through my tears.

I go grab my makeup and throw it in the bag as well. No need for that today.
We have a 6 hour flight back to Australia today. No thanks, makeup.

"Hey, I'm gonna go spend some time with Luke. Yesterday was our only day together, and I've spent two with you. I'll be back a bit later!" I say to Michael.
"Okay cupcake. I'll be here!"

I walked across the hall way into my brothers room.
"Hey Luke!" I say to him.
He stands up, towering over me, and hugs me.
"Hey sis." He said and kissed my cheek.
"I'm all packed and ready to go. I just wanted to spend some time with you before I left again." I say to him looking down.
"Gracie's already been here, then she took Sophia to a shop. Brooklynn's in Ashton's room I'm sure. So yes, I'd love your company!" He said laughing.
I playfully punched his arm and sat beside him and watched TV.

"Hey you're gonna be an uncle in a month ya know!" I say jumping up and down.
He smiled and poked my belly.
"I sure will!"


"Flight 67, you're plane is ready." The announcer said.
I sighed as we all walked onto the plane.
I took a seat facing the Michael and Calum, and sitting beside Luke. Brooklynn sat behind us with Ashton, and Gracie say with Sophia again. They're getting really good friends. I hope they stick around!

We're in first class so we had it to ourselves.
It was pretty loud until about hour two, when everyone got sleepy. The boys fell asleep, too and I couldn't help but snap a picture!

Eventually I fell asleep, and before I knew it, we had landed.
Mum met us at the airport and drove all of us to my house.

When I walked in she told me she's finished the nursery.
I thanked her and took my stuff to my room.

When I came back downstairs, I got sad.
They had to leave again.
I sighed and hugged Luke, tears streaming down my face. I'm so emotional ugh.
I told him I'd miss him, he said the same. I hugged him one last time and went on.
I hugged Michael, and kissed him, reminding him of the baby coming soon.
I hugged Calum, Ashton, and Sophia as well as they all walked out of the door into the limo.

We waved goodbye as we watched them pull out of the driveway.
I went up to the nursery and added the last minute details and headed to bed along with Gracie and Brooklynn.
Wow it's been a long day!

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