school and friends

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im in the bed with diggy hes touching on me carresing me going im my pants just as it was getting good I wake up

GET UP my mom yells at me ughhhhhhhhhh I scream u just had to wake me up. my mom looks at me and sas what u say.

mom u know i love u hehe and she says mmmhhhmm. i start to get dressed and look at my self in the mirror. my mom is like girl if you dont hurry up im going to leave your ass.

we arrive at school i get out and says thanks and say i still get to go to that concert right. she says yeah just as long as u dont get in trouble. ight and runs away i walk in to and my bestfriend dallas s standing infront of my locker. she screams her short self off and says hi and gives me a hug. owww i yell at her and was like hi. she screams and again and i jump i cant wait for the concert arent u excited yes sure im excited now stop screaming fine she says and we walk to first bell

lets skip school i meet up with dallas and my other friends.

aliana and dinzga are dating there lebians

mariyah is bi and likes a girl but nobody know but me

najah she loves shoes (jordans lebron and stuff like that)

nia nobody really likes her

deandrea she has pretty eyes and laughs wierd.

brianna is mean sometimes

thats my friends

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