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It had been 3 days since the events at the facility and everyone was still shocked and trying to recover. Mitchell just paced round the little farm house we had rented frowning and listening to news reports about the 'box tunnel 20'. George tried to act normal and started doing shifts at the local cafe and Nina cleared out her savings account buying Lucy's books and trying to track her down. Nina blamed herself for what happened to Annie. I was just walking around the house when I bumped into Mitchell stood looking at the radio. 'Mitchell you should turn it off, it's horrible and other people's pain won't stop ours' he just looked at me then planted a small kiss on my forehead. He then grumbled and strolled off to go and sit down. I walked through into the kitchen and overhead George talking to Mitchell, he was basically repeating what I'd just said.

The pipes above my head began to clang as I turned the tap on 'it will always make me think of her' George said. I smiled at him 'she's dearly missed that's for sure, but she left us with some fond memories' we both looked at each other reassuringly and smiled as we began to remember some of Annie's best moments. 'It's weird, she was my best friend and I couldn't even see or hear her' I said. 'She always loved you, from the second she met you' George added. I watched in the living room as Mitchell stood up, grabbed his coat and went to walk out of the house. I went up to him 'where are you going?' 'Walk' he replied bluntly. 'Mitchell, what's going on?' He looked at me with his eyebrows drawn and spoke sternly 'look Annie is gone and we are in hiding and it's all my fault so I'm sorry but us, whatever we are isn't my top priority'. I felt tears form in my eyes and I just grabbed him in a hug 'it wasn't your fault you know, none of it was' I whispered and to my surprise he hugged back. Mitchell was scared and guilty and he lashed out at me because he knew I could take it; I knew what he'd done even if I would never tell him. I managed to put two and two together- Mitchell was the box tunnel 20 killer. He had to be, he has been drinking blood when I got to the house, the attack was animalistic; Mitchell had a motive and he was obsessed with any news on it. I was repulsed by what he'd done but for some reason deep down, I didn't blame him- I pitied him.

I watched as Mitchell moved out of my arms and out of the house. I went and sat down on the sofa. We had left the house because it was Annie's house and we couldn't bear to go back without her, it wouldn't be right. The atmosphere was tense, we barely spoke to each other and when we did it was blunt and pointless. I sat there contemplating life when George came up to me and handed me a mug of hot chocolate 'don't blame yourself, you couldn't help him, no one could' I looked into George's sad eyes and knew he knew too. Of course he knew Mitchell better than anyone else he would have worked it out too. I was about to speak when the door burst open and Mitchell stomped in followed by Lucy!

'You've got some fucking nerve!' I heard George shout and Nina came running down the stairs. She stopped and saw Lucy then ran for her, I jumped in front and restricted her. 'Why is she here Mitchell?' I asked calmly. Mitchell didn't even look at me he just nodded his head and marched into the kitchen, we were having a family meeting and that was that.

We all strolled into the kitchen leaving Lucy stood in the living room in her soaking wet clothes and her face full of tears. I heard as George and Nina shouted and moaned at Mitchell, Nina wanted to kill Lucy and Mitchell wanted to help her. 'She must have been some lay!' Nina shouted at Mitchell 'she didn't kill Annie, kemp did' Mitchell replied. I was beginning to lose my patience with them so I stared to walk back into the living room. I stopped in front of Mitchell and said 'I know you love her, but what she did we can't excuse. We shouldn't kill her but she isn't our friend Mitchell and we can't trust her' I then continued walking and was left stood face to face with Lucy, my love rival.

'You must be ash' she said as she passed me her hand, I didn't take it and looked at her 'yeah I am? Lucy?' 'Yeah it's a pleasure to meet you' I just scoffed, I wished she would cut the small talk. 'He loves you most you know' she finally said, breaking the silence 'he always did' she added. I looked at her and saw only pain and sadness, Lucy was a victim just like us. She fell for the world she created and she was taken it by it- she thought she was doing the right thing.

I tiptoed up to her and pulled her into a hug 'it's okay, you didn't realise' I said and she began sobbing; Mitchell walked back into the room and smiled at me then went upstairs. 10 minutes later he came back with his jacket and a pillow and handed them to Lucy, I took that as my cue to leave. I walked back upstairs and laid on my bed. I felt my eyes close...

I was woken up by a piercing scream. I went running down stairs and noticed Lucy was gone; I ran out into the back garden where I saw Lucy fall to the ground with a stake through her chest. I looked up and saw kemp in the shadows with another stake against Nina's throat. I heard George and Mitchell come behind me. Mitchell threw himself to a dying Lucy, she coughed and spluttered as blood spiller out of her body; there was no hope for her. Mitchell tried to help but it was too late and she began slipping away. Kemp was threatening George, he pulled the stake across Nina's neck, smearing Lucy's blood all over her pale skin. Nina whimpered and shook; George was terrified and didn't know what to do. Mitchell was grief stricken, tears drowned his face. Suddenly a door appeared behind Kemp, it opened and there was nothing but black. Kemp turned to stare at the door and Nina tried to run away, he arm was clasped on her so I ran to try and help her; I grabbed Kemp's arm and I threw it away as Annie appeared next to me, she grabbed kemp as she began to writhe around and throw his arms. Me and Nina fell to the floor as Annie tackled kemp through the door.

BANG! It shut and disappeared everyone was now confused and gobsmacked. Me and Nina laid on the floor as George and Mitchell came running over. I felt an immense pain flood threw my body, I tried to stand up and failed as my body gave out and I landed again with a thud. I put my arm to my stomach and saw a huge wound leaking out blood; I put my hand against it and tried to apply pressure but I was too deep. Kemp must have stabbed me when he struggled against Annie; Mitchell noticed what I was doing and came running up to me, when he saw my wound he froze and gasped 'N-n-no' he stuttered as he fell on his knees next to me. 'It-it's okay' I stammered back, realising my time was running out 'everything I did to you, I ruined you' Mitchell sobbed 'I love you so much, it's always been you and only you' he took my head in his hands 'you made me human, you kept me clean' I loved him more than anything and I hated that I left him. 'I love you too, don't be stupid. I didn't make you human. Deep down you are human, no matter what you've done in the past John it's who you are now that counts and you are- human' I gasped out as i felt my body failing. He pulled me towards him and kissed me lovingly and kissed back then felt a darkness take over me.

Mitchell's POV
She went limp in my hands and let out a weak breath I knew she was gone, I broke down as did Nina and George who were stood over me. I lost the love of my life and I'd treated her like rubbish 'ash!' I sobbed over her body. She was wrong though, I'm not human and I never will be; I didn't deserve her

The end.
That's the end of the story 😭please comment and vote.

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