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"I'm so sorry Annie" Ashley whispered trying to comfort her ghost best friend "he didn't deserve you at all, he is a monster."George and Mitchell came out from the kitchen and sat next to Annie and Ashley. Over the last few weeks Ashley and Annie had come up with many methods to make their friendship easier such as annie would carry a cushion with her when she sat down so Ashley would know where she was. The women had become practically inseperable. Annie had just discovered her Financé was infact the man that killed her and she was distraught, her heart was broken, she loved him and he destroyed her- Ashley knew this pain far too well as she too had been attacked by the man she loved. Eventually she got out of the relationship and moved to Bristol where she started a new life. A life she had come to love. She was so happy with her new life, she felt safe and loved but there was something missing.

She wasn't different, she was a human and in this house it meant she was the odd one out. She could'nt even see the woman she classed as her best friend. Herrick seemed to leave them alone now maybe he realised he'd lost or maybe he was planning something.

Many things had happened recently,a werewolf called Tully had visited- he turned out to be the werewolf that turned george into a werewolf at first George was annoyed but they parted on good terms in the end. As for Ashley and Mitchell they were doing well, they were in love and Mitchell was staying clean but there was something else going on, something Ashley didnt know about, she was sure Mitchell was hiding something from her. Ashley still worked at the hospital but did a lot less hours now due to there being new doctors.

Suddenly Annie 'rentaghosted' out snapping Ashley out of her thoughts and Ashley figured she needed time by herself "leave her now, she needs to sit think" she said turning to Mitchell and George. They nodded in agreement and came to sit next to her on the sofa, she rested her head on Mitchell's shoulder as a DVD came dropping through the letter box. "What's that?" Ashley inquired, Mitchell shrugged and George thought for a minute before saying "I bet its Mitchell in Casablanca, didnt Carol say she was gonna drop it round?" Ashley perked up "Stick it on then, let's see Mitchell's acting debut"

The trio were now laughing and Annie appeared. The DVD was ready and Mitchell pressed play. Everyone's faces dropped and became disgusted "This is not Casablanca" Ashley announced. "What is it?" Annie said "Vampire porn" George replied. Mitchell didnt speak he was glued to the screen; Ashley noticed and gasped "Mitchell! Mitchell turn it off!" He ignored her mesmirized by the image of a vampire making a kill.

Ashley was furious- she stood up and stormed out of the house. Tears streamed down her face 'that's it' she thought 'i cant compete with what he is and i certainly can't put up with it!' George watched through the window as her figure slowly disappeared into the sunset whilst Mitchell was still sat on the sofa, his eyes popping out of his head. He hadn't even noticed the 'love of his life' had just stormed out of the house and his life...
So that's it, it's come to an end I might come back to it and add little sections. Please comment or message me and tell me what you thought and give any pointers or advice.
I absolutely loved being human and was so sad it finished (although it really wasn't the same after series 3 😭)
Thank you so much for reading this!

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