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I stayed over night at a hotel and in the morning got a taxi to the house. The taxi dropped me off at the house, I got out of the car and stood staring and it, I vividly remembered storming out of the house and running down the street all that time ago. I was terrified and I was confused. I took the massacre at box tunnel as a sign that I needed to survive and come back, as if God was telling me I was doing the right thing by coming back.

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath, then I lifted my trembling hand up to the door and I knocked; it was a quiet and timid knock at first but i got louder then I stopped and fidgeted with my hands. After about a minute I turned to walk away and the door slowly creaked open. There stood my worst nightmare. My past, stood staring me in the face. It was Mitchell, but there was something about him that was different, something I didn't recognise; he was dark and his eyes weren't right. 'Ooo look what the cat dragged in' he slurred. There was something seriously wrong with him. 'C-can I come in' I stuttered. He just groaned and flung the door open before waltzing back into the kitchen. I waited a minute before walking into the house where I was met with silence. Suddenly, there was a loud noise and the beads hanging from the kitchen doorway parted- Annie.

I knew she was stood there staring at me so I smiled and said 'Hello again' the front door then made a noise and in walked George. He saw me and froze he opened his mouth to speak when Annie grabbed him and dragged him into the kitchen. I slowly followed and saw Mitchell hurling abuse at George, his eyes changed again but jet black then he went back to normal and told George to run. He looked at me with his brown eyes; they were far sadder then I remembered 'Ash?' He whispered, he stood up from the table and walked over to me. He raised his hand and stroked it against my cheek then his eyes changed again and he clasped his hand around my neck 'you bitch, what are you doing back here. I should drink you dry, do you have any idea what you did, you just fucking left me!' Mitchell's grasp was getting tighter and tighter. Miraculously I found the courage to argue back 'and why did I do that? Your a monster look at yourself! I deserved better' his grasp loosened slightly and i pushed him off me and backwards into the table. His eyes changed once again as if he was two separate people fighting over him. 'Ash! Ash I'm so sorry, please all of you go and run' i looked at George and he nodded so we all ran out of the kitchen and piled into the car. I presumed Annie was with us. Then I watched as George drove off and Mitchell watched our car travel down the street. Everyone was silent until I spoke 'could you drop me off at the hospital please George?' George looked at me through the mirror and said 'yeah of course, it's nice to see you again ash. He hadn't been right without you' I just gave a weak smile, not wanting to talk about Mitchell.

I got to the hospital and left the car. George ran round next to me and gave me a massive hug 'look after yourself and be careful, I'll see you again' 'bye George you too, he needs you' with that I walked off into the hospital and had a meeting with my old boss.

I left the meeting and walked to the chapel, I had never been one for religion but i suddenly found myself in need of help. I don't know why but I was so scared- my life had once again been flipped upside down. I sat in the pew thinking about life when the priest came up to me with a big smile 'are you okay?' He asked, I tried to nod but his big smile and reassuring face made me burst into tears. I found myself sobbing into his shoulder when I heard a noise like a scream from outside. Suddenly, a blood covered Mitchell appeared and started shouting at the priest I went and stood behind the priest as he warned Mitchell off, almost preaching at him. Mitchell saw me and snarled showing his fangs; bizarrely I wasn't afraid not anymore. I stood forward 'leave' I shouted 'just go, your lost and quite frankly your a joke, your not the big bad man you try to be, behind those fangs your nothing' he snarled at me 'who do you think you are on your high horse looking down on me, your nothing. You have nothing and no one' he spat then addressed the vicar again 'whoever you are you stay away from here and whoever you are you stay away from Lucy Jaggart!' The priest screamed. A look appeared on Mitchell's face and he went running back around the corner to Christ knows where.

I sat down and let out a big sigh so did the vicar. I decided I needed to find George so I rung his mobile and found out all about his 'cure' then I jotted down his location, said goodbye to the priest who was now throwing up in the plant pot and went to find my friend. I found myself breaking into a run because of something George said, he said 'I have to go professor Jaggart needs to speak to me'. Professor Jaggart, Mitchell was after her. I needed to warn George ...

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