I'm considering letting her go, but I look at her bike. It's a wreck, totally broken, so she must walk.  I feel too bad to do nothing.  I look around trying to figure something out.  And an idea strikes me.

"I'm sorry I wrecked your bicycle... Let me take you to the Inn for lunch, then I'll drive you home."

"You really don't have to, I'm fine really..." She politely declines looking up at me for the first time. She looks familiar. Have I seen her before? I look at her blue eyes and they move quickly looking up and down at me. It's cute... She's cute! Forget about my meeting, I'll get there when I get there.

"I insist, hop in!" I insist without giving her a choice, inviting her to my car with a sign of my arm.

"What about my bike?"

"I'll hide it for now until I buy you another one..." I calmly say as I take it and bring it to hide it in my garden. I close my garage door and I see her trying to get in the driver side. I brightly smile. What is she doing?!

"Other side, love. Unless you want to drive!" I laugh with bit of a grin.

"Right, I forgot..." She forgot?  Where is she from?!

We get in and I leave my driveway for the Inn, a few meters away.

"So? American?" I ask, glancing quickly at her, before engaging carefully on the road, looking at both sides.

"No!" She says loudly with a laugh. "Why do you ask me that?"

"You got the wrong door!" I laugh and share my observation.

"Maybe I wanted to drive!" She answers quickly with a bit of an attitude. I did not expect that, she's quick at repartee.  I find myself wanting to play along. It's on, dear!

"Well, we know how good you are at it, Love!" I mocker her again, putting my blinker to turn.

"Well, we know how good you are at it too!" She replies with a smirk. I look at her quickly and I see her smile growing on her face. She plays my game. I like it!  "I'm Canadian." She adds with her warm smile. Of course she is! She seems so kind and warm, always smiling, even though I hit her, moments ago, with my car. She's strong.  I like it!

"Nice.  I've been there quite a few times myself..." I tell her, parking the car in the busy driveway of the Inn.

She immediately gets out once the engine is turned off and I see she's surprisingly still wearing her helmet. I look at her with more attention.  She's so innocent and naive, it makes me smile.

"Do you still need your helmet, love?" I ask looking at her smiling and laughing at herself.

Her smile is familiar and it completely charms me, like it did before... I take a moment to look at her intently, getting the feeling I have seen her before.  But once she catches my stare, I head for the pub.

A waitress welcomes us and guides us to a table, luckily, everyone preferred to eat outside, so I take advantage of the intimacy inside the restaurant.  She leaves us at an intimate table, away from windows and take a seat.

"So? What's your name?" She asks with her usual optimism. Shit!  What do I do?  Do I tell her the truth and possible ruin the moment?  I decide to play with the truth instead.

"Harold, what's yours?"  I respond quickly, hiding behing the menu.

"Virginie! It's nice to meet you Harold!" Wait a minute! I see her smile growing larger on her face. I've seen it before, I'm sure of it now!

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