Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV

So if you're reading, you probably stuck around. Thanks for that. But on to my amazing kidnapping (I'm always going to call it amazing, so if you don't like it, get over yourself).

So I'm laying there, on my comfy bed(I'd marry it if I could), and I keep hearing these noises. So I'm like, okay, the coyotes are out again. But then I hear a shush. Now I definitely know someone is here, but it's probably just some of my friends trying to scare me.i hear a discreet 'shut up', but don't know the voice. While I'm trying to figure out who it is, someone knocks on the door. I get the gun my dad has loaned me and turn off the safety. At this point, I'm not taking any chances. I unlock and open the door, but as soon as I do, the gun is ripped from my hands and a burlap sac is placed over my head.

I scream and no one comes out. My dad and stepmom are dead asleep, or they're dead. The person or people takes me to a vehicle. I can't tell what type it is, I think it's a bus. I think they bring me to the back of whatever this vehicle is. I hear someone say, "Okay, take the sac off her." I know that voice, but I'm so freaked out right now that I can't figure out who it is.

One person takes the sac off and I realize I'm surrounded by four figures. One looks like a giraffe, to be completely honest. The room is dark, so I can't really see their features.

"Please don't kill me," I say.
One of the guys says "Oh, we won't do anything like that."

I'm so confused.

Sucky chapter, writing in class and just trying to get done.
Love you guys,

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