Your Flight

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((Phoenix is not my character, she belongs to @Oznamuno19, and any Saints Row characters are not mine either. Based off of a dream I had. It's more or less set after the third game and before the fourth one... It was from a dream, there wasn't a time on it. I hope you enjoy this fluff anyways.))

Phoenix's POV

"Are you really sure you want to do this?"

I sighed and gripped Matt's hand tighter. It broke my heart that I had to leave him, but I didn't have a choice. I was the leader of the Saints, I had to go! Shaundi, Pierce and I were heading to Germany for a small vacation. Kinzie had gotten us the tickets for free, and after our whole debacle with the Syndicate we were ready for a break.

Matt was still on pretty nasty terms with everyone, besides me. We had begun talking on an internet message board a couple of months back, before the whole Syndicate thing had happened. Then we had just been a username; a stranger to confide in when times got rough. We had no idea we were speaking to the enemy, and when it finally came out I had realized that I wasn't as upset as I should've been. Matt had fled to England after I had beaten him in his virtual world, and I knew that he wasn't a threat anymore.

After talking for awhile still I had finally convinced him to come out and visit us. Granted I had to prove video evidence that Killbane was gone, but after that he was slightly less reluctant to come visit me. Kinzie had been pretty pissed, but I didn't really care what the others thought. Matt and I were getting closer and I was loving it.

"Yeah Matt, I really do... You're going to England tonight anyways, maybe you could get a car and go to Germany!" I suggested, gripping his hand tighter.

Matt sighed weakly and looked at me.

"England is on an island, darling. Why do you think Germany had issues trying to occupy it in World War II?"

I guess I had a blank look on my face because he pulled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up a map of the world and showed it to me.

"See? Island. It'd be pretty difficult trying to drive to Germany." He said gently, though I knew he was getting annoyed with me.

I took his phone casually and stuffed it into my back pocket.

"Ok, well your phone is mine now so you have to come to Germany with us." I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

Matt rolled his eyes and smiled weakly.

"Oh no, how will I ever update my NyteBlayde fanfiction now?" He said, a fake tone of despair in his voice.

I giggled but my heart dropped slightly as his face suddenly filled with terror.

"P-Phoenix look behind you..." He whispered, his voice quavering with fear.

I tensed up and slowly turned around.

"What is it-"

I felt him quickly take his phone out of my back pocket and he smiled.

"Ha! Got it back!" He said triumphantly, sticking his tongue out at me as I turned back towards him.

I gasped sadly and gave him the saddest look I could muster.

"You're so cruel to me..." I whined, sniffling a little to give it more of an effect.

Matt smiled, but before he could do anything else Pierce walked over. I saw him give Matt a glare then he turned to me.

"They're about to start boarding the plane Phoenix. We should head over there." He said.

I sighed and looked at Matt sadly. I didn't want to be apart from him again. I saw my own sadness reflected in his eyes but he smiled at me.

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