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(A/n all the dares are from madgirl2868)
Gb1-4:What's up guys the dare is to (reads dare) this is going to be fun
(Pushes the Newman's in a room)
Carrie:What is happening?
(Grojband music starts playing)
Carrie:Oh god no.
Gb1-4:(on speakers) Clap at The end or I will kill you.
(At the end the Newmans clap)
Gb1-4:Okay, the next dare is to bring future Carrie, Corey,Larry,and Laney in for a chapter, so (brings in future Carrie,Larry,Laney,and Corey)
Future Carrie,Corey,Laney,and Larry: Hey guys.
Gb1-4:Next dare,(pushes Corey, Carrie,Larry, Laney in a room with 4 laptops)
Gb1-4:(on speakers) read the books on the laptops.
(A/n The books on the laptops are Corrie,corney,Larrie,and Larry x Laney) (after 5hours)
Corey:Nepp,stay away from my woman!
Carrie:Penn,stay away from my man!
Larry and Laney:We're siblings.
Carrie and Corey:Oh yeah
Gb1-4:Thanks for coming out everyone.
(Closes garage door)

Grojband daresWhere stories live. Discover now