Grojband truth or dare

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Gb1-4:Hey today we have Grojband here to do dares.
We have my co-host/bestie, rubic1234.
Gb1-4: Here are our guests, the girl who is so cool she has the biggest fan club, it's Laney.
Laney: What's up.
Gb1-4:What's up girl. Next ,we have the one the only Corey.
Rubic1234: Now,we have the cheese eaters, kin and kon.
Kin and kon :Hey!
Gb1-4: Today we will play truth or dare.

Rubic1234:Corey ,truth or dare?
Corey: Dare of course.
Gb1-4: I dare you to prank call the Newman's
Corey: yes, which one of them?
Gb1-4: LARRY!!!!!!!!!!
Corey:Gb1-4 you are now my best friend! Your almost as cool as Laney.
Gb1-4:I try.
(Corey calling Larry)
Corey: LARRY, Laney's in trouble we need your help!
Larry: hold on I'm coming!

Gb1-4:Okay, when Larry gets here we jump out dressed up as five nights at Freddy animatronics, okay?
(Larry runs in)
Larry: Corey, where's Laney!?
(Freddy's theme song starts to play)
Gb1-4:1,2,3 now!
(Everybody jumps out)
Larry: (screams like a girl)
Rubic1234: We got you.
Gb1-4: Did you get that on tape Rubi?
Rubic1234:yes, see?
(Shows the video again)
Gb1-4: We got to put that on YouTube.

(Gb1-4 walks to Larry and punches him in the face)
Larry: Why me?
Gb1-4: Because you're a wimp.
Larry:No I'm not.
Gb1-4:yes, you are I can beat you up, you know what I will fight you.
Larry: Okay.
Gb1-4:Rubi hold my jacket.

(10 seconds later)
(Larry has bruises everywhere)
Gb1-4:I told you so.
Corey:All saw was a blur.
Gb1-4:Now , how about you guys get back to the game, me, and Rubi are going to the grocery store for chips.
(After grocery shopping)
Rubic1234: I wonder what the guys are doing?
Gb1-4:Maybe they are having a wild dance party.
(Opens the garage to see a wild dance party)
Gb1-4:Everyone except Laney, Larry,Corey,Kin and Kon

Everybody:Uh oh
Gb1-4: Rubi hand me that baseball bat. Can you make the salsa please?
Gb1-4:I will kill you!
(After beating up people)
Gb1-4: I'm better. Corey would you like to the honors.
Corey: sure, Thanks for coming out everyone.
(Closes garage door)
(We will be taking your dares just as long they are appropriate.)

Grojband daresWhere stories live. Discover now