He coughed, clearly taken back," Or any guardian."


He continued answering some questions asked by my smart classmates like 'will there be any hot girls' or ' do they have shopping malls there' or even 'will there be any sharks '. When Sparks Howdy asked the last question, I tried to control the fits of laughter that were threatening to escape.

I silently sat there, getting suddenly interested in looking at the wall. I imagined what would it be like if I had a mother, and coming back everyday to the smell of her cooking and I would make a joke on how's she a bad cook and she would glare at me. I would tell her about my day and she would tell me about hers. Together, we'll heal through the bad days that have damaged us.

I miss you so much, mum. Please come back and take me to wherever you are. I no longer have the power to fight my demons.

A nodge interrupted my chain of thoughts and I turned ready to smack the hand of whoever thought it was amusing to constantly annoy me. It was the same guy.

"What now?"

"I'm not your mailman, kindly fuck off." He rolled his eyes and threw the piece of paper on my desk.

The note read:

Stop obsessing over me

I let out a laugh at his joke. Really? If only words could show how much I hate him. Alex Blake frustrated and infuriated me to no end. I loathed that guy. I didn't expect the kid I always hung out with to turn into a monster. How could a little sweet kid turn into someone he'd always swear not to be?

But that's the thing about life, some answers are better left unknown.

Do you always roam around your targets in class? No wonder you keep failing
PS keep your intimidating status and stop annoying me
In simple English : fuck off

I threw the note at Alex Blake and focused my attention back to the teacher, copying down notes that were written on the board.

After feeling suffocated my the teacher's non-stop lecture, the first period ended finally and I quickly made my way to my locker.

"You're wrong." A voice came out from behind me, spinning around I saw Alex Blake there, a smile on his lips. "I don't go around annoying people, you're my favourite, what word did you use?" He pretend to think for a second, "target. That's the word."

He wore a grey pants - not too big or small, a T- Shirt with no message on it and a very worn jacket.

"Did you read the two words at the end? If not, let me spell it for you:fuck off," I grabbed my notebook and shut the locker with a loud thud"and stop stalking me, it's creepy."

"Me?" he pointed at himself, laughing,"stalking you," and then at me.

"Cut the act, what do you want?"

"You know I always wonder how you handle the hate you get."

"What hate?" I asked, acting as it's not that obvious enough. The hate that has resulted in many tears and scars, crying myself to sleep and not being able to look at my reflection for weeks. I was damaged to the point where I planned to end it. Every wish that I had after my mother's death was to die. No longer exist. In any way. I no longer cared whether I'd suffocate or hurt, I just wanted to die.

And the only thing holding me back now was my chance at escaping this town.

He shifted his eyes toward the group of girls laughing as they walked past us,"Ah, that." I chuckled nervously," Whenever someone insults me I cut myself..," I studied his face for a moment," a piece of cake."

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