Once more there was silence. Carlos was still positioned against the door frame still in disbelief.

"I'm disappointed in you!" He finally managed to voice before leaving, with his hands still tucked deep into his pocket. Lorraine followed.

Tamia woke up with a severe headache, but somehow in a strange way she felt rejuvenated. As if all that occurred the previous night was just a nightmare that ended as soon as she woke up.

Searching through her closet, Tamia tried to find a suitable outfit for the day. After rummaging through various articles of clothing, she finally found a flowery dress that was given to her by her grandma a few Christmases ago.Tamia loved the dress, but somehow it didn't quite fit, until now.

Making her way towards the kitchen, Tamia made a desperate attempt to find food. Unlike other mornings, the kitchen table was totally empty. Under normal circumstances, she would've woken up to the sweet aroma of her mother's delicious cooking, but this morning her mother was missing in action.

Luckily, the fridge was still stacked. So she poured herself a glass of orange juice.

She felt instantly hungry, and had a craving for mashed potatoes.

As she was about to gather the ingredients to begin her preparation, she heard footsteps approaching. Turning swiftly towards face the direction of the footsteps, she made eye contact with her mom who bore a grave expression.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" She asked.

"I... I... I was just having a mashed potato craving so I decided to...-"

"You decided to what?" She interrupted. "I thought I told that you to get the hell out of my damn house, you're no longer welcomed here so get packing right now!" She shouted.

"Mom please, I need to eat something and where am I supposed to go? Please mom, I will do anything, just let me stay mom... Please, I can't live on the streets it's not healthy for me!"

"Oh! so suddenly you know what is and what isn't healthy for you, huh? When you were out having sex with God knows who on that expensive cruise, was that healthy? When you broke poor Jariel's heart stupidly, was that healthy?!" She paused then continued. "That guy was crazy about you and you broke his heart. Does he even know you're pregnant?"

Tamia wanted to respond but lacked courage.

"You're a damn disgrace, you need to leave!"

"You know what mom, I'll leave your damn house! You don't care about me all you think about is yourself and money. I'm your only child and all you do is make me feel like trash. I know I've made mistakes, but everyone deserves a second chan...-" she struggled to complete her sentence, but she was prevented by the ball that had formed into her throat.

"What's all this commotion about, it's Saturday morning can't I get some peace and quiet in this house?" Carlos shouted as he entered the kitchen.

"Tell it to your daughter over there, when she leaves we'll regain our peace!" Replied Lorraine indifferently.

"Lorraine, are you insane? This is the time of her life that she needs you the most and you are planning on throwing her out? Have you lost your mind?" Carlos belted.

"So you are supporting her? You were the one who spoilt her in the first place. She spent fifty fucking thousand dollars of our money on a cruise and now she's bearing a child without a father. Carlos, I don't have any more money to waste on this... " she replied gesturing towards Tamia, with a grimace.

"Are you hearing yourself, our daughter needs you and all you can think about is money? I can't believe you! You waste more than that amount of money per month buying God knows what!"

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