Chapter 1

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"Are you are pregnant Tamia?!"  Lorraine exclaimed as she barged into the bathroom where Tamia was standing naked after a bath.

 Tamia found out that she was pregnant about six weeks into her pregnancy. With no idea of how she would go about revealing the news to her parents, she decided that I'd be best to keep the detail of such a fiasco, to herself. 

Though Tamia's body was changing rapidly and the need for her monthly supply of feminine products had subsided, she continued to collect the items in an effort to ward off any suspicion which may arise. 

With every passing month,  it became harder for her to disguise her now protruding belly bump. After consulting with her friends who encouraged her to talk to her parents about it, she was set on doing just that. However, fear had become her best mate and no matter how hard she tried she could not escape the hold of it's piercing fangs.  Causing her to  defer the matter to a date which,  in her view, would be deemed more appropriate. But even after after five months the opportunity still hasn't presented itself.

The towel collapsed on the ground as her mouth flew open. How could she be so foolish as to leave the door open? She searched deep inside her brain for the best response to give her mother but it seemed as though both her mouth and her brain were experiencing paralysis.

"Tamia,  I'm speaking to you!" Lorraine demanded.

But still Tamia was unable to respond.

"Answer me goddamn it!" She shouted, punching the door then stepping towards a trembling Tamia. 

"Yes!" She muttered in a brittle tone. 

"What?! When did this happen? Tamia, I don't understand how you could keep something like this from me, I am your... I just can't..." Lorraine responded as she shook her head profusely. Turning on her heel she stormed out of the bathroom.

With a sob of despair, Tamia threw herself onto the floor as tears gently cascade down her cheeks.

"What am I going to do?" She wondered. Tamia was became more perplexed by the decision she made to carry her unborn child to full term without even the assurance of who the real father is.

When Tamia first discovered  she was pregnant she had every intentions of termination the pregnancy.  But her mind quickly changed the day she went to the Center for Termination of Pregnancies.

Minutes away from having the abortion she thought she wanted, each second felt like a second closer to murder rather than the blessed relief she had imagined.

Overwhelmed with guilt and fighting back tears, she was led by two nurses into the operating theater. The doctor, a fatherly-looking man in his late fifties, was sitting awaiting her arrival. He was kind and reassuring.

"Tamia," he said. "Are you ready? If so, we will give you an injection in the back of your hand then transfer you to the table. Is there anything you would like to say?"

"Yes," she answered. "I'm really sorry, but I've changed my mind." Instead of being upset or annoyed with her for wasting their times the members of the team seemed to be overcome with a sudden, unexpected euphoria.

The doctor broke out into a huge smile,"Congratulations! Well done, you won't regret it. Even though you are young and it may be difficult at times, you will overcome all those obstacles. Though I perform many abortion procedure, it's not something I enjoy doing. I myself have three kids and I couldn't imagine my life without them, though they can be such pain in the rear sometimes." He chuckled. 

The two nurses who had led her into the operating theater - with, she thought, slightly disapproving eyes - seemed delighted and relieved about her decision.

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