Night 1

27 1 0

I felt something on the ground below me.
I picked it up and pushed a button.
It was a flashlight.
I went to the door that I herd the noise coming from.
I opened it but before I turned on my flashlight I herd breathing in my ear.

I quickly closed my door, I knew what would happen if I didn't.
I kept it closed until I herd footsteps going down the hall.
Then I ran back to my bed.
I decided to look behind me to see what was there, but then I got the fright of my life.
A small little creature that looked like a messed up Freddy was there, but it quickly vanished before I got a chance to get a good look at it.

I looked over at my alarm clock to see what time it was.
1:53 it said
"Darn it" I said softly
I would have to last a few more hours.
"I wonder what time I get up"
I then herd running again
I went to check one door.
I flashed the light but saw a purple figure dash away.

"What the hell"?
I ran back to my bed but saw two more little Freddy's.
I ran to the other door but there was nothing
It was 6:00
"I guess that's the time I get up at.
I went out of my room and saw two hall ways
One too the left and the other to the right. then I saw a T.V
I went over to turn it on
A red fox jumped out at Me!
"Tomorrow is another day"
I herd something
say in my ear!
Then everything went black!

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