7. Taxi Rides and Long Showers

Start from the beginning

"Also, We're checking into a hotel every few nights with a different name, and you'll be wearing a coverup and a full entourage that obscures your face. A scarf, or something. In case anyone sees us together," he says impatiently, all in one sentence. "Okay?"

"Okay," I reply, trying to contain the joy that's filling up inside of me.

There are so many things I want to do already.


This hotel didn't seem so bad in the dark last night, but now there's a putrid smell wafting from the hallways, and there's way too much dust for my liking. The beds are creaky as well, and I don't even both calling room service; they probably do a crappy cleaning job anyway. I don't know how this place is rated four stars.

I wait patiently as Lissa slowly recovers from her hangover. Then, she cleans up and puts on her own 'disguise' (as she called it) that matches mine, to fade in with the crowd and avoid any recognition from the fans. Or even, possibly, one of Ben's men. I haven't received a single phone call from him, or screaming voicemails, and I take that as a bad sign. To be honest, all that yelling would be less terrifying than this silence.

I'd picked out the darkest colors I can find, two pairs of sunglasses and hats, some jackets and scarves for Lissa and I. When she finishes putting them on, she has so many layers on, she looks like a snowman.

"I feel like an undercover agent!" Lissa says excitedly, skipping all the way down the hall. I groan inwardly. The whole point of the disguise was to 'blend', but she just brings more attention to herself instead. I just remind myself I need to get through today with Lissa, and then she can take me around the city to do what I really came here for.

"Come on! Let's get brunch," she says impatiently, pulling on my hand.


"This place has the best fish and chips ever," Lissa says. The sun beats down on our backs, making me sweat buckets. She's so excited, even though she's probably boiling as well, under the scarf she used for the bottom half of her face.

I did get some stares as we walked out, as fans tried to decipher if it was really Luke Hemmings walking down the middle of the street. But I pressed my hat further on my head, and they presumed to walk.

Lissa twirls and claps as the doors swing open to reveal a small, musky diner.

I'm not used to this.

We're seated at a booth with leather seats and dim lighting, the chatter of voices and the strong scent of cheap cologne starting to giving me a migraine.

Once we spent some time on the menu, a gum-chewing waitress takes our order, hitting on me a few times with no success.

"You want anything else with that, hun?" She asks me, a sultry smile forming on her lips. In that way, she kind of reminds me of Amber.

"Nothing particular," I reply blandly, making it clear I'm not interested. I slap the menu into her hand and give her a fake smile.

"What are you talking about?" Lissa giggles next to me. "We'd like a strawberry milkshake please!"

I groan. Out loud this time.


I watch as Lissa eagerly digs into her food, but I poke at it for a few more seconds before taking a bite. I've never had fish and chips before.

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