Chapter 12 - The Imperative

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Okay, maybe (Name) needed to drop the extra literature class. Yeah, fancy words were great when you wanted to be a doctor, but that class made her want to cry. There was only so much classic literature she could read before she got tired.

As she stumbled back to her dorm to get changed for dinner, her mind wandered back to the crimson letter sent to her by Aomine's former teammate. He wanted to her change her university... but why? It made no sense. Aomine has told her Akashi's story, and about his alter ego, but it still didn't add up to the current situation. And had Akashi kept tabs on his former teammates to the point where he knew about their personal relationships? What could his motivation be for that?

(Name) opened the door of her dorm room to see the usual scene she walked into on a Friday afternoon: Aomine passed out on her bed and her roommate's side of the room empty. With a sigh she set down her bag on her desk chair and kissed Aomine on the forehead.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty.", she lightly shook him awake.

"Uhhnnnn.... (Name)?", he cracked one eye open.

She hung her jacket up on the room's shared coat rack, "Yeah, it's me."

"How long have I been out?"

"I could ask you that same question."

"What time is it?"




(Name) kicked her shoes off, "How was your day?"

Aomine sat up groggily to reveal his glorious bedhead, "Fine. Tiring."

(Name) laughed, "Everything is tiring, huh?"

Aomine flashed her a look and reached out to pull her onto the small bed, "Yeah. Everything but your face."

(Name) had to admit, she turned a little red as she snuggled up next to him, "Is everything alright? Not that I don't like it, but you've been awfully cuddly lately."

Aomine let out a low growl and buried his face in her neck where his cold nose tickled her skin, "What're you talking about? 'm always like this."

(Name) kissed the top of his head, "Sure you are....."

And then she spotted the letter out on her desk.

"Wait. You're not worried about the whole deal with Akashi, are you?"




"You heard me."

"..... Maybe."

(Name) sighed, "We should just go and talk with him together."

Aomine shook his head, "I don't know what could happen there... Akashi is essentially above the law in Japan..."

"What are you saying?"

He ran his fingers through her hair, "I don't know. I'm just afraid of losing you, okay? ... Listen, if you want to see him, I'll go with you, but we have to be careful. It's rumored that the Akashi family has its own private police force."

(Name) smiled softly, "We'll be extra careful."

He rested his forehead against hers, "The letter said the chauffeur will arrive in a couple hours."

"Chauffeur can suck it. I'm catching some shuteye."

Aomine laughed, "Sounds like a plan."


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