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She was the girl with eyes of burnt amber. But her eyes weren't always that way. It came from hiding a truth so harsh that her beautiful eyes had turned dark. She swore she could never fall in love.

He was the boy with a face shaped like a broken heart. But his face wasn't always that way either. It came from caring so much about someone that his heart was scratched in cruel, manicured fingers, mangled beyond belief. He swore he would never love again.

They met in a spinal corridor. Then in a courtyard. Then in a room which had a broken window. And finally in a doorway that was too small. And she was crying.

Diamond tears from burnt amber eyes. Diamond tears that fell, uncared for, onto the ground.

He finally had to reach out and stop one diamond from hitting the floor. She looked up at him, surprised, almost angry. But before she could speak, his voice, wine rich, half broken like a damaged violin spoke. "Don't waste your tears where no one can see them."

"They mean nothing."

"Tears are the words that the heart speaks when broken."

"How can you possibly know what I am crying for."

"Because your eyes used to be the colour of honey, and now they are burnt amber instead."


"You walk in the rain so no one sees you cry."

"I do."

"You mustn't."

"Why not? No one cares about my tears anyway."

"I care."

"You don't even know me."

"I know enough about you to never let you cry by yourself again."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I know what it's like to hide something so unbearable...that your tears become more dangerous versions of the truth..."

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