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"Ouch..." I picked myself up from the rumbling and the massive boulders around me. I climbed them and scoped out the area for everyone. I couldn't see anyone.

"Oi! Is everyone alright?" I hollered. It was quiet for a few seconds, the I heard coughing. Plus, rocks being smashed in the process.

"Yeah! I'm alright!" Jae shouted back.

"Gia and I are alive!" Gale exclaimed.

"I'm good here!" Lami added. "Let me just clean up a bit."

Of course I figured that she was the one demolishing them.
But I didn't hear a reply from Cody himself yet.

"Cody! Hey! Answer me!" I started getting this sick feeling in my stomach. It didn't feel too well.

"I-I'm fine! Just stuck!" He finally spoke. "My leg is not in the best shape...caught between these heavy rocks and umm... I can't feel my leg." He explained loudly.

"Whatever you do, don't move a muscle!" I heard Lami instructed amongst all the destruction.

"Is there blood!?" Gia screamed?

"N-no..." Cody said.

"I'm coming over! Just stay there!" I crushed the rock beneath me with my dragon fist and began to search for him.

"Yeah.. Like I can go anywhere!" He jokingly commented.

As I scrambled around the dusty colored boulders, I saw blood beneath some of them. The poor animals must have been crushed in the midst of it all.
I used my nose and tried to sniff out Cody's scent. The smoke from the big explosion made it practically impossible.

"Cody!" I shouted.

"Yeah!?" He answered.

Using my ears instead, I noticed that his vibrations came from my left and I followed his voice. I knew that walking around these blocks of earth would take me forever. I hopped on one, then another. As soon as they became jagged, I used my ice dragon slaying magic.

I hovered my hand in front and slightly moved it, making a path of thick ice for me to walk on. I began to walk over the ice to Cody, as soon as I spotted him. Cody was down beneath me. My eyes quickly darted at the trail of blood that streamed out of the boulder that his leg was stuck beneath.

"Cody!" I jumped down from the high elevation and landed on another rock, hopped down to him and looked at the blood again. He told us that there wasn't any?!

"You lied to us!" I shouted at him while kneeling down. "You're not okay!"

"Heh, sorry. I knew you would panic if I told you I was actually badly I injured." He pointed out.

"Ugh, you really are something." I pouted.

Eventually, the others had arrived too. Gia was startled by the accumulation of blood around Cody. She even had a few scratches on herself as she held her arm for support. Did she wound herself too?

"Yo, that's not a pretty sight." Jae commented.
"Obviously!" I flailed my arms. "Now help me get him out-"

"Best be careful Nashi." Lami warned as she halted my movements towards the mass. "We can't afford to have it shatter and suffocate him."

"You could break the rock and I'll create an iron tent above him." Gale suggested.

"You would have to have good reflexes." Gia nudged his arm. "Will that do?"

"It's the only option." Lami did not seem so sure herself.

I ran my hands slowly across the face of the stone and felt the cracks with my palm.

"Maybe I can seep water through these crevices and freeze all the way, I can rupture this boulder and save him just in time." I said. "Let's give it a shot."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Jae questioned.

"He's right, we have to work as a team." Gia agreed.

"Well, the day is not getting any younger." Cody sighed. "Whatever it takes to free me."

"That settles it then." I patted Lami's shoulder and she found it amusing.

"Alright guys, give her space." Lami moved everyone further back.

I placed my hand on the cracks, and used water magic. Thanks goodness Grandeeney, she taught me how to use water magic, the stash that is sealed from my body.

The water permeated through the cracks and at the given time when I knew it was flowing throughout the rock, I froze it.

"Ice dragon freeze." I concentrated enough to freeze the water from the inside out and slowly, it began to crack even more. It wasn't long before the mass gave to the pressure.

"Cody, cover your head." I warned him just incase.
He wrapped his scarred, bruised arms over his head and rolled his upper body into a fetus position. As soon as the boulder had broken down, I shot out my arm.

"Ice dragon iron dome!"

The snow fell from the sky above us and I managed to keep us safe from the rubble crashing about. The layers of ice and iron that created a barrier from it all. By the time everything was calm, the ice melted and the iron had shriveled and vanished.
The others started running towards us.

"You better give me the potion." I demanded.

"You know that we can't-"

"Give it to me!" I demanded.

Cody flinched and Gia came over and helped prop us his leg.

"You better listen to her." She whispered.

Cody pointed at his bag, which was a few feet away from him to the left. I grabbed the potion, I poured on to a cloth and dabbed it on his injured leg. A bright ray of light, the magic, was doing the rest. The swollen bruise around his leg lightly began to heal within seconds.

"You good?" I asked, twisting the cork back onto the bottle.

"Yup." He stood and started jumping around. "I'm fine." He smiled, "sorry about worrying you-"

I dove into his arms and tightly embraced him. I still did not feel content. The worries that can't be brushed aside. Just what would I do...if it was any worse than this?

That's peculiar...
Once Nashi had hugged Cody. The scars and bruises on his face and arm had disappeared. Unless that's the magic potion doing its thing, however that very unlikely. The magic potion is used for direct injuries it's applied to. Nashi only tended his leg.


A loud voice of a man, followed in the distance.
We all looked the same way and saw each others frightened expressions.

"Could that be..." Cody pointed out.

"Let's hurry!" Nashi grabbed his arm and began to run towards the sound. Gia and Gale who followed along behind her.

"Sounds like it started!" Jae said running along side me. "The war."

I heard crackling and the smell of burning lingering out of no where. Looking back, I saw the trees lighting like candles, the ember glare wavered here and there, ahead of us, was a plague of smoke.


Nashi: The Gifted Dragon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now