The Wedding

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She walked down the aisle so gracefully. She smiled nervously as she approached her one true love. We stood off to the side at the end of the aisle watching her glide along it. We smiled at her encouragingly and her smile brightened.

Then she tripped.

Her face became beet red before she bent down to remove her heels. She threw them away and continued down the aisle barefoot.

She walked up the stairs to the platform where Lucifer awaited, nervously pulling at his golden tie, and her smile brightened even more, if it were possible. He took her hand and they stood side by side with her luscious golden bride gown flowing all around her. Her tiara glinted in the sunlight, reflecting the Sun's rays.

Us bridesmaids stood with our bouquets of flowers, in our colourful dresses, watching with delight as the wedding vows were about to be said. We couldn't decide on one colour, we only agreed on the blue, so the wedding was themed that. The bride's blue sash, Lucifer's blue tux, the maid of honour's dress, the best man's light blue tuxedo and lastly the sashes of the bridesmaids dresses.

The Celebrant started to speak, "With that, I ask you right now,
Will you answer me right now,
These questions, as your wedding vow?" he asked.

Together Baz and Lucifer answered with "Yes, I will answer you right now,
Your questions as my solemn vow,"
"Provided our guests don't have a cow," Baz added, causing the guests to chuckle lightly.

The Celebrant asked the next question, "Will you love him if he's rich?
Will you love her in a ditch?
From today until the end of time,
Even if his words don't rhyme?"

"I will love her if she's rich," Lucifer replied
"And I will love him in a ditch." Baz chimed.
"And I will even love her when she's being a b...eautiful princess," Lucifer ended.

The Celebrant moved on, "Will you love him for richer, for poorer,
Will you love her for quiet or snorer,
From today until the cows come home,
And never stop writing goofy poems?"

Baz answered passionately with, "I will love him if he's poor."
"I will love her if she snores," Lucifer smiled.
"And I will love him when he's a bore," Baz smiled back.

The Celebrant asked the next set of questions, "Will you love with all your heart?
Will you love till death do you part?
Will you have and forever hold,
Each others' hearts 'till the stars grow cold?

"I will love her forever a thousand fold," "I will love him forever a thousand fold," Both the bride and groom answered together, "'till death do us part and our blood grow cold,"
"Or until our brains grow mould," Lucifer said delightedly.

"Will you love through good and bad?
Will you love in times happy and sad?" the Celebrant asked next.

"I will love her through good and bad, and in times happy and sad." "I will love her through good and bad, and in times happy and sad." Baz and Lucifer answered grinning at each other,
"Because he's the best friend I ever had," Baz added beaming with happiness.

The Celebrant asked the last questions, "Will you take him as your mate?
Will you have her as your date?
From this day on and ever more,
No matter what your life may have in store?"

Both Baz and Lucifer answered looking happily at each other, "I will have him as my mate," "I will have her as my mate,"
"Starting on this our wedding date."
"May as well, as it's our fate," the Bride added.

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