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"My lady, it's time to wake up," my maid Paula said, while shaking me roughly. "We'll be travelling a great distance my lady, we must go early in the morning."

I groaned. Waking up early wasn't one of my strong points, especially not if it was for going to school. Yup. Today I'd be travelling to Cross Academy, something I really don't want to talk about right now. After years of homeschooling 'they' decided that it'd be best for me to go to an actual high school to 'socialise' and 'make friends'. Tsk. I'm totally fine by my own, right? *tumbleweed* Okay, maybe I do need friends, but I'm not desperate enough to try and find them in a place where everyone is judged by appearance and social class rather than personality. 'They' are. My goal is to just go to school, find friends and get it over with so I can go back home. Join me in 'Mission: Make Friends!' (Author: Shouldn't it be 'mission impossible? OC: It's not impossible!!!)

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