Lunch-part 2

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' I am sorry, I had to take this, I didn't speak to my parents yesterday.' Said Bea while sitting on the table.

'I heard you speak portuguese, italian, french and of course english. How do you do it?' Asked Matt, clearly impressed.

Bea blushed, and said ' I had english and french in school and when I was 15 I decided to dedicate myself to english and when I realized I spoke it fluently I thought 'hm better learn another language and since I already had 3 years of french might as well continue it', so I did and I had always wanted to learn italian because I thought it was an interesting language so I took a 3 year course which ended last year.' 

'And what are you taking in college?' Zeke asked.


'So you speak 4 languages and you are good at maths? You are a bit of a nerd aren't you?' Said Matthew, teasing her.

'Me? Oh not at all I am incredibly lazy, I love reading and watch netflix that is what helped me learn the 3 languages. And maths I guess I just don't suck at it. But trust me, I am everything but a nerd, I would always study on the day before the tests and my friends used to be so mad because I never knew anything before the test and then I had a good great.' Bea explained.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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