My enemy, My love, My kidnapper [4]

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Ok please please please don't be mad at me.... I know it's been wayyyyy tooo long since I last uploaded this story but I've just been sooo busy with summer school and work these past coupl of weeks that I barely had any time to write to I hope you guys could understand that

Anyways if you still love me even though I'm always past my deadlines, then you could maybe support my stories by commenting and voting <333

Thanks so much for being sooo patient with me guys...I LOVE YOU <333

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 4

*Crunch* *Clink* *Crunch* *Slurp* *Clink* *Crunch*

“What the hell?” I thought to myself.

I peeked out from underneath my pillow to see what was making the weird noises. It turned out to be only my little sister Ally; she was eating a bowl of those crazy fruit loops. She slowly moved her hands that were holding the bowl closer and closer to me.

“No thanks Ally, I don’t like fruit loops remember?” I said pushing her hands lightly back to her. 

“But you gotta eat something big brother,” she pouted.

“I will, I will…wait a minute. Ally what time is it?” I asked.

“8 o clock,” she answered in a sweet voice.

“8 p.m.?” I asked.

“No silly it’s morning,” Ally giggled.

“Shit! … sorry Ally for my language,” I said while hopping out of bed really quickly.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I was going to be late for school. I couldn’t believe I had slept through all yesterday when I got home. What made me so tired again?

Oh yeah, now I remember….it was because of…David. I shook the memory out of my head. I didn’t want to think about that right now. I grabbed a pair of new clothes and put them into my book bag, I didn’t have time to change, and I definitely couldn’t wear the same thing I wore yesterday.

I ran downstairs, grabbed an apple, and left. I started running down the street. Wait, this looks familiar, oh right, I was doing the same thing yesterday afternoon. God if I keep running to and from school like this, I might as well join the track team or something.

I got to the campus, and it was obvious that I was late. I ran inside and went to the boy’s restroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. Man did I look like a mess. I didn’t get to fix my hair, I’m sweating like a hog, and I smell like I’ve fallen into a pile of cow dung. Could this get any worse?


One of the bathroom stalls slammed open, and you would never guess who was in it. Yep that’s right… none other than… Zeke Prull. God this guy just keeps showing up everywhere.

“James!” he said shocked.

“What?” I said coldly.

“Hey are you alright? You’re not looking so hot.” He said walking up to me.

“Thank you captain obvious, anything else you would like to point out?” I said sarcastically.

“Damn…what an attitude you’ve got today.” He rolled his eyes.

“What’s it to you?” I said.

Ok I have to admit, I was being a bit harsh to him, but hey, its Zeke… how else am I supposed to treat him?

My enemy, My love, My kidnapper (BoyxBoy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang