My enemy, My love, My kidnapper [3]

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 Author's note = Sorry that I uploaded this really late... it's just I've been really busy and went on a short vacation to San Deigo and was no where near a computer let alone my computer so I couldn't write for a while but I was up until 1 a.m. this morning just to finish this up for you since I love you that much <33

So I hope you enjoy it... and if you love me as much as I love you.. .you would support me by commenting and voting <333


Chapter 3

“Are you ok James? You’re looking a bit red in the face.” Zeke asked moving his hand closer and closer to my cheek.

I didn’t know what to do or say, and I was breathing so heavily that I couldn’t even hear myself think. I watched his hand slowly make its way to my cheek. It felt like everything was in slow-mo.

Once his hand touched my cheek, electric shocks instantly ran through my body, and all I could do was stare aimlessly into his eyes. Those piercing eyes of his that were looking right through me.

What was happening to me? Just by one touch, he got me feeling butterflies. This really isn’t happening right now, I can’t fall for Zeke! I won’t let myself. Anyways he was straight, so it wouldn’t even matter if I did have feelings for him, which I don’t! He just caught me off guard…yeah that’s it.

“I’m fine,” I said calmly pushing away his hand.

“James…” he whispered my name.

Damn it, why was I getting so nervous by him. Just Zeke whispering my name was a turn on for me. I wanted him to do it again; I wanted him to say my name again.

But wait, I can’t have those thoughts, what about David, and my feelings for him. I have to keep my mind on track; I won’t betray my feelings for David, just because of my lustful thoughts of Zeke.

“I have to go…I should go…” I said getting up from my seat.

“Wait James,” Zeke said grabbing hold of my hand before I could leave.

Their they were again, those same shocks I had when he had touched my cheek. This was getting dangerous. How could I, James Conroy, be falling for somebody like Zeke Prull, it was just unfathomable. 

I couldn’t do it, even if there was the slightest chance that I wanted to. I just knew Zeke too well to get involved with him, I mean he’s my brother’s best friend, and let me point out, my brother’s straight best friend.

“I really have to go, I’ll be late for class, I’ll see you later though,” I said before making a dash out of the nurse’s office door.

I kept on running, even though my ankle was still hurting. I didn’t know exactly where I was going; I just needed to get as far away as I could from him. As I was running, I looked behind me… I don’t know why, because who would be following me?

Once I had looked back forward, I had bumped into something and it knocked me down. Wow, how embarrassing, well at least no one was out of class to see it. I hate when I think ahead like that, because Karma was always there to ruin my day.

For some reason she hated me. Like really hated me. Whenever there is an embarrassing or bad situation I’m in, and if I ever say stuff like “Well at least things can’t get worse,” she always has a way to prove me wrong. And if you’re confused about any of this, I am indeed still talking about “Karma”.  I know she’ll probably punish me for saying this, but Karma is seriously a bitch.

My enemy, My love, My kidnapper (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now