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The darkness has covered the souls of humanity since the beginning of life. The mere mortals will always be a slave for material things and a sinner for the strong desire of the flesh.

God sent angels to be their watchers.

The rules were clear, never teach them things and never copulate with them. But some of the angels had a liking for these beautiful creatures. These angels taught the humans science, astrology, metal forging, divinity and the art of interpreting dreams and the likelihood of sorcery. And so they mated with the women and bore children with them.

They went against the rules of God and as a consequence, they were punished and the children bore the sins of the fallen.

The children of the fallen angels are called the Nephilims, half-human and half-angel. They have inherited some of the abilities of their fathers, but not all of them had. Some of them are just normal humans, nothing special. The Nephilims are easy to spot as they have a certain glow in their eyes, twinkling like the stars in the night sky.

Although they are by far stronger and better than the average human being, God cursed them to remain as slaves for the humans. They can never be superior and will never have authority over humankind.

The hybrid state they are in can only be passed until the third generation offspring and nothing more, thus in this century of warfare, the last generation Nephilims are the most valued and priced possession of every kingdom.

The kings and queens needed them for allies, as they fight and win battles for them. This became their only purpose of existence. They are part of the elite army of every kingdom. The frontline of every single battle and they are well respected for their cunning abilities in the killing field. They are tactical fighters and individually they possess strength that of a hundred men. But as one would expect, a war is never certain, sacrifices should be made and Nephilim knights are no different from the mortals, they too are vulnerable and they could die.

In the fight for supremacy, kingdoms take down weaker kingdoms, Nephilims kill other Nephilims, and humans betray other humans for the sole purpose of power over the earth.

Will this still be a legitimate act when the end war arrives? Will someone fight for love or will it remain for power?

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