Chapter seven

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I've parked my car inside the parking area across Nelie's Hospital building where the Physicians rented a room clinic for their medical services. I turned off the engine and looked at myself in the mirror and adjusted the collar of my long sleeve checkered blue shirt, folded slightly below my elbow and smoothen my hair away from my forehead. I reached out and took the bouquet of yellow roses at the back, hoping it's the flower that Nelie like since Lissa doesn't want to cooperate and tell me, and went out of my car, locking it.

I strolled confidently across the parking lot, crossed the hospital street and entered the lobby, aware of the women and some men staring at me as I walked by. I knew I looked good with my tucked in shirt and denim jeans, emphasizing my broad shoulders and narrow waist with my brown loafers. I am taller than any average men and blue color really suits me. I smiled at some who openly stared at me and never look away when I stared back at them and made me grin when some blushed in embarrassment of being caught staring.

I don't apologise with the way I look but use it in full advantage in my favor not only to women but also, in my business transactions. I thank my parents for the superior genes and I just accepted it as it is but never use it to deliberately hurt others. I may hurt some women but it's there fault not mine when they expect more than I can give them. They knew where they stand in having a relationship with me and besides, they sought me out and I just reciprocated. I, also, don't make any promises. Lets just say, I am immune with their charm until......Marinelie Joy Ledesma crossed my path.

Now, I am willing to do anything just to have her.....again.

I exited the elevator at the second floor where her clinic is located and saw her back, standing in front of a woman, slightly taller than her, facing me. Nelie is giving her some instructions inside the reception area wearing a conservative short sleeve willowy red blouse tucked inside a black slacks with her red two inch close shoes. I saw outside the glass walls of her office that the patients were gone now since it was already seven in the evening and strolled toward the glass door.

I saw the woman she's talking to looked at me, gawking and Nelie turned her head when she realized the woman's lack of concentration in what she's saying. Nelie's eyes opened wide and suddenly walked hastily towards me, eyes squinting then suddenly bumped on the close glass door, smacked right on her face and massaged her forehead where it hit her, hard. I saw the woman inside her clinic grimaced at the impact.

I opened the door and lifted her face to see if she's okay and saw how red her face were with embarrassment. She glared at me to cover up her humiliation, daring me to laugh. I bit my lip from grinning and she snapped at me, "What are you doing here?!" She said and straightened her shoulders, wrenching my hand away from her chin.

"Are you okay?" I asked with genuine concern and she just look at me, a red spot forming around her forehead but it's not swollen, thank God, that must have hurt.

"I asked you a question, what are you doing here?"

"I am taking you out for dinner." I stated, matter of fact.

"Really? I didn't recall being invited by you for dinner and most importantly, if you ever did and I just forgot, I'm sure, I didn't accept your invitation." She said, eyebrow arching.

"I did yesterday when I said 'I see you tomorrow, baby and I love you, too', You even falter with excitement when I told you about my plan, remember?" I grin mischievously and my grin got wider as I saw the woman inside choke and cough when she heard my statement.

"You did? And I did?" Nelie asked in confusion, trying to recall yesterday, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh well.....Why don't you come inside and close the door. You're letting the cool air of my air condition get out....and please sit there while I'll finish up something and we'll talk about this." She said and walked towards the woman, smiling at me.

I smiled back and winked at her and she swoon, making me grin some more as I sat down on the reception sofa, plastered on the glass wall.

"And wipe that silly grin off your face and you, too, Mariz, will you please stop swooning! He's not a matinee idol and come with me inside my office." Nelie grabbed the woman's hands as she continued to smile and gawked at me.

They entered a sliding wooden paneled door and Nelie shove Mariz inside and came back out, "By the way, she's my Secretary, so don't you try anything....." She told me sternly as if I am a recalcitrant child and closed the door again. I smiled in her cuteness and looked around her office. Then, I heard a shreak coming from the slightly ajar door.

"OMG! Doc, he is so hot and handsome!!!! Who is he? I think I'm gonna die!!!" I smirked smugly and heard Nelie hushing her and said in not too loud voice but I can still hear her, "He's Matt, Melissa's cousin and he is pestering me......I have to get rid of him-------"

"Why, Doc!? He's gorgeous! If I were you, I'll grab him right away, chain him at home and never let him go. He might be snatch by other women. You'll never have someone as handsome as him interested in you, Doc." I beamed with pride and pleasure of what Mariz said and nodded in approval despite the fact that they can't see me.

I strained my ears to hear what Nelie might say. "Physical attributes of a person is not a reason enough to like someone......Ah! It's complicated Mariz and I don't know......Let's not talk about him and finished what we need to do tonight, okay?" I slumped down on the sofa as I heard Nelie's response and just stared into space, vowing to never give up on her.

"Okay, Doc, but you can go with him now. I'll finish this report. You don't need to assist me."

"Are you sure?" Nelie asked.

"Yes, Doc, I'm sure and besides he's waiting for you outside. Go! I can handle this and........"

I couldn't hear anymore what they were talking about since they went further down the room. I scan the place once again and find it so pleasant and comfortable. So conducive for patients who were suffering from respiratory illnesses.

After a while, I checked my watch and I was waiting for forty-five minutes already. I placed my elbows on my thighs and waited patiently for Nelie and I've realized, this is the first time I've waited for a woman to have dinner with me. Most of the time, they waited on me or I just go when they're late. My goodness, Matthieu, you really got it bad. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I stood up when the wooden door opened and Nelie came out, "Oh, you're still here. I thought you got bored already."

"Nope. I told you, baby. I have all the time in the world for you." And she rolled her eyes.

"Shall we go?" I asked her and she stared at me again, suspiciously.

"Are you sure I said yes when you asked me yesterday? You're not lying at all?"

"Scout's honor." And I raised my left hand and placed my right hand on my heart as a pledge and she frowned at me and then sighed. "Okay, let's go."

I smiled at her and gave her the flowers. She took it hesitantly and looked at me, frowning. I guided her towards the door, open it and we went out from her clinic to the elevator going down. "Where are we eating?" She asked and I told her about an expensive restaurant at the heart of the city.

She shrugged her shoulder and said, "I don't like fine dining. Can we go to a more cheaper place like a grilled restaurant on the south side of the city? That's it if you were up to it." And she smiled at me sweetly. Too sweet for my liking and I had a notion that she is up to something.

"Sure, if that's what you want. No problem. I'll cancel first our reservation." And dialled the resto's landline number and cancelled it.

Nelie was just smiling mischievously as the elevator descended and adamantly refused to get into my rented car but instead wants me to follow her to her chosen resto. I sighed and give in and found myself following her as she swish around the street, almost losing her two times until we reached our destination.

We entered a native establishment where the smell of smoke and grilled meats were being cooked inside the unmodernised kitchen. The chairs and tables were made of bamboos and wood, using a banana leaves placed on a native interwoven thing as plates and no spoon and fork.

I looked at Nelie and she smiled at me with a knowing and mischievous glint in her eyes.

Then it dawned on me what she is trying to achieve by this whole shindig.....So, my dearest Nelie, you're trying to make me lose my cool, huh? I smirked and she frowned.....Let's see......

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