The Diamond Eye: A Sam Stone Story Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you kiss me?"

"Halt!, no, no! What are you doing?"


"They don't need or for that matter wanna hear about our personal mush. You should just skip this part and get on with the rest of the story."

"Well...this is a part of the story Samantha."

"But I don't think it's worth mentioning, I really think you should move on."

"It very much is. It shows the complexity of a forged relationship through all of its struggles; the archetypal bond between woman and man throughout a profound and at best character building adversity. We are in fact quintessential in our nature to the human instinct and maneuver with prowess within the structure of our being in our given environments."

"....." (mind-blown)

"But I digress- such interactions take a...finesse, if you will..."

"Hey, hey, hey...that's enough. Just make sure not to be so detailed."

"They need to know!"

"Know what? (Knowing look received.) No they don't either!"

"So anyways..."

"Why didn't you kiss me?

"I'm warning you."

"If I were a dirty rotten scoundrel that preyed on the ill-health of women with poor sea faring legs then I would have but as it were, I am cut from a different cloth. (makes scissor gesture with his hand.)



"Nothing - continue."

"I only report the truth ma'am."

"Be careful."


"Tony - when was the last time you were properly kissed?"

"A proper kiss? Never. Rushed hurried hormone induced kisses plenty."

"You took pretty good care of me when I was down. Perhaps more than you should have."

"It was my pleasure and one can never care too much. Remember that."

"What are we exactly? I mean I know we are business associates..."

"Partners. Business partners."

"Yes, but what else are we?"

"My, my - Ms. Stone, are you asking me to define our relationship?"

I just think that we should know where we're headed.

"To quote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 'To define is to limit.'"

She jumped to temper in a hot second that threw me off guard, so I had to finesse the situation, sooth her ego and put out the flames before I got burned.

"Oh, so you're one of those mugs who wants all the women he can handle. Well good for ya, you won't be handling me!"

She turned her back and crossed her arms over her chest in the manner of a child in mid -tantrum. I leaned in carefully. I knew who I was dealing with - she'd taught me well to be careful and to always be on guard.

"Why are you covering your face?"

"It's embarrassing!"

"What is?

"That scene, just finish will ya, I'm getting anxious. What are you doing?"

"Pouting like you did then."

"Stop it or I'll give ya one for."


"I never said that, I'm simply saying that if we were something, a definition of it wouldn't do it any justice, partner."

"So...what are we?"

I moved in close, lifted her chin so that her gaze met mine. I looked deeper in her eyes and even deeper into her heart and liked what I found there. I wanted to tell her what we were exactly and was about to until there were sharp foreboding knocks at the bedroom door. It was the house boy.

"Begging your pardon Madame and Sir; dinner is served."

We pulled ourselves together and exited the room, she lead. I've always walked behind her. Not to be seen as a second class citizen or flunkie, but just so my girl would know that I have her back in everything she does. I was not put off or upset that she wanted me to make clear my intentions. I thought that my discontent at Dominick calling on her for favors was a dead giveaway but gotta show the ones you love just how deep in your heart they are.

She would know just what she meant to me and how deep my loyalty lay. She would know that if nobody in this world loved the mess that she is that there was surely one man that did. I'm not the wimp or kid that Dominick thinks I am "hanging on to her coat tails suckling at her teet", his words, instead, I am every bit the man he isn't and more.


"I mean every word."

"I know you do, but this is shaping up to be something even I can't walk away from. The mystery, the intrigue, the romance. He really said that to you? Even the suckling part?"

"Mm hm..."

"...." (mind blown.. again)

"No worries and we both know why; right?"

(Samantha nodding)

((Tony bumping her shoulder, she cracks a smile)

"Should we give them a sneak peek?"

"Nah! Let'em stew a bit. The story has to build."

"Not your mom and pops detective story."

"Hey I've heard that somewhere before...

"A detective said it, one better than I. See you aren't the only that can quote awesome people."

"What, ever am I going to do with you?"

"Keep talking like that sailor and I'll show ya."

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